One bean , plus one bean, does not make a casserole. Wishful thinking does not change this...

in OCD4 years ago

kha  Copy 3  Copy.jpg

Here is the post in all it's glory content, from which the mocking is based on.

I do hope @edicted takes this mockery in the good humor in which it intended.

Laughing at stupidity - Either your own or others- is an indicator of soooo many things.
(And there are far too many serious people in this hive space, if you ask me).

From my own personal mocking's that I've received over the years,( I had good teachers), I now see them as the necessary 'ice buckets' needed, with which to gain greater knowledge.
The mocking itself is delivering the necessary shock, with which to then 'snap you out' of a mental space that one never realizes they inhabited.
A 'stupid mental space', for want of a better expression...

Mercy mocking's are never meant to be anything but constructive.

For those sensitive souls that cannot get over the ego crushing side of a mockery, it will no doubt offend, infuriate, and frustrate. And that's fine, also.

The people I wish to connect to are the more emotionally mature of the species.
Mocking with good intent - and being the recipient of the roasting- can mean growing from the experience - which can mean looking at yourself in a mirror and being forced to scrutinize your own insecurities.

(Or running away, crying, and screaming for a space safe. But here's the scoop my sensitive buttercups - there are no safe spaces)


'Knowing thyself' is the true measure of the man.(or woman).

And is the entire point of my 'mocking style'.

I'm trying to help.

So , now that's out of they way, lets get started....

(Experts of @edicted post are highlighted thus:)

this is a highlighted excerpt

Cracking on...

There is a common misconception in the cryptosphere that investors want lower inflation.
This misconception was formed via the dynamic of the Federal Reserve (and fiat in general)
vs Bitcoin.

First of all, this is totally incorrect in regards to the Fed.Res.
Fiat money (and devaluation of it through inflation), is hardwired into the model of a debt base currency.
The fed res. (communists in all but name), are ALL about wealth transfer - done through debt and inflation, thus, over time, creating more and more of a centralized and managed economy. (did I mention they were communists, in all but name?)

The federal reserve (central banking globally) want it all.

By 'want it all', I mean tangible goods. Property. That is where real value is stored.
The debt based fiat money system - using inflation as a tool - is the subtle route of the transfer of wealth.
....From the producers,(labor), to the oligarchs,the 0.01%.

Ok, so with that misunderstanding is out of the way, it's time to understand some basic math an economics.

Inflation decreases the value of the currency – This is a mathematical fact.

So, no matter how people may try to apply MMT(modern monetary theory), or a variation of - It's ILLOGICAL OUTCOME IS GUARANTEED, IF IT DOESN'T FIRST ADHERE TO THE BASIC MATH.

Here is the basic math...

$1 dollar has the stored value of all the goods there are.
It represents the value of the goods.

Print another dollar (inflation) – And the value of that one dollar has just been reduced by 50%. (there are now two dollars to represent the same value of goods)

There in nothing else to say abut this.
It is that basic.

The most basic of math MUST be followed in order for there to ever be any

hope of an outcome that's logical, also.

The logic plays out like so:
The FED prints inflation.
That inflation devalues my dollar.
Therefore: inflation is bad.

'Bad' or 'good' is irrelevant.
It's Math.

Bitcoin has low inflation (logarithmic hardcap)
My investment is not being devalued (and even doubling every year).
Less inflation is good.
Steem crashed 99% in two years.
Inflation is bad.

Ergo, the lower the inflation, the better it is, with which to maintain the value of the currency in question.


Only if you utterly misunderstand basic math (and I won't even bring the 'scarcity aspect', into it).

The root of this logical fallacy lies....

MATH is not a logical fallacy. It is an objective, measurable, reality..

@edicted the fact of WHO controls the inflation. If YOU control the inflation, inflation is amazing. If you run the Federal Reserve, inflation
is amazing. If you are a Bitcoin miner, inflation is amazing (until the halving event slaps you).

This is where it starts to get worrying (from my 'ideological' point of view).

This argument of 'control' (the fed), would posit a positive outlook towards WANTING TO BE A CENTRALIZED 'BANK'?!?!?!?!?!

This would infer a desire to control the money supply and how it functions.
THIS is the very reason that we are in the economic shite we find in ourselves today.

If this is the HIVE consensus of understanding,(and a wish to control the free market economy), I will be powering down forthwith!
1 oligarch in steem, or 17 here, is merely different shades of the same pile of shite!

The answer lies in not copying the current corrupt system.

The answer is decentralization, not centralization.

(as would be the idea posited here - of 'inflation being good' IF you control the inflation.

What's the point?
My point is that there is a huge group on Hive/Steem that mistakenly thinks that our high interest rate devalues everyone's funds and scares away investors. Nothing could be farther from the truth. The opposite is true!

Incorrect , and trying to get away from the math and principle, will never make it correct.
Inflation ALWAYS devalues the currency in question.
(history tells us – in every single case - that an inflated currency leads to a devalued currency).
IF the opposite were true, as you stated, then the value of steem/Hive would have increased , and investors would be queuing up.
The reality of 'what is' paints a picture consistent with inflationary pressure not being good for a currency.
Price of hive is down, investors/users , are not queuing up.
This is the reality of things

As I have made quite clear, when inflation gets printed, the people who control that inflation aren't the ones who have their bags devalued. It's the people who DON'T control the inflation that get screwed over!

So, by extension of that argument, this now becomes all about controlling the currency and then extracting value from others, through inflation.(screwing people over?!?!?!?!)

Does this mean that @edicted is not only a commie, but actually more Soros like figure?
Complete with the messianic (tyrannical) tendencies? lololol

(@edicted is self avowed communist – but I did have hopes that he was growing out of it)

Yes, I am right.
So for everyone saying we need to reduce inflation so investors want to come here... they are completely misunderstanding the entire economy.

Hubris is funny...
I can't even think of a mocking good enough for this..... But I'll try...
'Rarely , in the entire history of understanding economics, has one person ever made so many mistakes in so few words...'(only marx gets close to this doozey).

I wonder, has @edicted ever considered that his high intellect,(and ego), has fooled his own commonsense ?
Has postmodern logical idiocy, blinded him to actual reality ?

I sincerely hope that this mocking is the 'ice bucket' required...

If investors are what you want, you make the inflation higher, because investors on DPOS are the ones who control inflation,
thus leeching value from the non-investors.

'if it is investors you want, make the inflation higher????
So that the future value of their investment, is lower than what it was when they invested?
I'll ignore the desire to leech value off others, that's just worrying...(and very commie centric)

Liquid coins create inflation but they don't control inflation.

Inflation (if any), is a result of increased productivity, and sound money being at play.
Controlling inflation is controlling money supply....


So emulating the Rothschild banking system (and philosophy) is to applauded?

I'm tired of people saying it's our inflation that devalues the network and scares away investors.

If you stop trying to fit a square peg into a round hole, you might be less tired...
Maybe you need to go and take a nap?

Nothing could be further from the truth. This concept started with Bitcoin, let it die with Bitcoin. Inflation is good if you control it.

Yes Mr. Rothschild! lol
Control is good, We understand your perspective.
Control is all. Must control.

Knowing better than the billions of free market transactions that happen everyday, and finding genuine natural price discovery through sound , uncontrolled money, must be very, very tiring.

Is it all about wanting to control things....?
Nothing to do with free markets - by definition.

Nothing to do with decentralization, and freedom. And Hive?

It sound like quite the opposite.

Do the math: we lost 99% of our value in two years and our inflation was only 8%. Obviously inflation had literally nothing to do with that drop in the grand scheme of things. Inflation is
a drop in the bucket compared to liquid volatility.

Adding 'obviously' and 'literally' into your argument is not good...
...if the inflationary model was looked at by people with a basic understanding of math and economics (and the structural hierarchy within the ecosystem), then it would devalue...
And maybe...just possibly because it's seen as too inflationary? (and oligarchical)
...being at the whim of 17 politburo witnesses to alter - as they decide - their economic fates, is not an enviable position for those with a sense of self determination. you think?? Just.... kinda... maybe?


'May the Mock be with you',@edicted - and taken forwards in the spirit in which it was most definitely delivered...

