Connection to the Universe ... a learning of life

in OCD4 years ago

Life is to be enjoyed to the fullest

To be happy is a life decision

I share with you, dear readers, a reflection of life that is nothing more than my learning after many moons investing energy in finding the reason why many people did not understand my connection to the Universe.


It is to enjoy the smells and colors of Mother Earth and to taste the flavors of Pachamama

It's to enjoy the landscapes

It is to enjoy, taste, laugh, accompany, embrace, love, give, share, assume our spiritual growth and heal. On the road we travel there are days that give us the opportunity to look around us from another perspective because on those days the life experiences give us the possibility to transform our vibrational energy, our doing to achieve the transformation and therefore redirect the log and achieve the learning of everything we have lived in those days that would be far from the enjoyment but not far from the extraordinary learning. This is life, intense, very dynamic and complex.

Many moons ago I decided to be happy and live my life to the fullest, with all its letters, without depending on anything or anyone

Once when I talked about what the rain was to me, and how wonderfully comfortable I felt when I enjoyed it; and, some people made improper comments and even said:

"rain is water that falls from the sky and nothing else... there's nothing extraordinary about it"

... and they even said it jocularly and arguably disrespectfully ...

When I heard those phrases... sadness invaded my being... For many moons I did not know that what I should do was to identify and understand the energy of that emotion that I felt. Then to understand and respect the feelings of others. Then I understood/understood/learned that my feeling would never be anything like other people's feeling.

Sometimes he talked about the Moon, the stars, the Sun, the flowers, the trees, and it was the same. I thought they didn't understand me and they didn't. In fact, we spoke the same language; however, we did not use the same code to communicate.

I later came to understand that it wasn't that they didn't understand me. It's that these people were not sensitive to that emotion because they were not in connection with the Universe. They were not in connection with Mother Earth, with our Pachamama.

When I understood that, I began to enjoy the company of the Sun and an extraordinary romance was born with him, without telling anyone. The Moon was my ally, my confidant and has even been my advisor ever since. Mother Earth, my strength and my passion. The water, which was vital to me, and the stars shared with me its brightness and splendour even in the most complex days. Not to mention the air, my activating flow.

It has been a pleasure to share with you my reflective prose

Grateful for all the days lived

Stay at Home Transforming

Grateful with #Pachamama who every day gives me the opportunity to watch the Miracle of Life

Photographs by @marlenyaragua

Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving comments

Until a next post


This is so beautiful @marlenyaragua, thank you for sharing your wisdom with us all. Our connection to Mother Earth is really what empowers us, as we are a part of her and our respect for her means we therefore respect ourselves and all others. Such a beautiful post that really made my day xx

I receive your Gratitude and share it with the Universe so that your and my blessings may multiply in peace, love, joy and healing ...

I love that through my post I can share my feelings, materialized in my work ... and capture the attention of noble souls ...

Grateful ...

Beautiful prose of your connection to the universe!
Reading it helped me to connect more too!

I love that my prose helps him connect with the universe ... That prose is my essence of life...

Grateful for the visit...

La luna es mi amiga, creo que es la amiga de muuuuchoosss. A veces le pido consejos o simplemente le hablo y siento que me entiende.

Me gustó tu reflexión y en cierto modo me identifico porque en ocasiones algunas personas no entienden mis "locuras" o mis pensamientos profundos. Nos ven como bichos raros, pero debemos sentirnos orgullosos de quienes somos y como pensamos y sentimos, siempre que nuestra intención no sea lastimar a otros con ello.

Gracias por compartir tu prosa con nosotros, @marlenyaragua

carpe diem | Vive Intensamente

¡Bienvenido a mi blog @garybilbao!

De tu comentario destaco las siguientes palabras:

"... Nos ven como bichos raros, pero debemos sentirnos orgullosos de quienes somos y como pensamos y sentimos ..."

Como nos ven las demás personas es exactamente como son esas personas y lo que puedan opinar o decir ... es su opinión y jamás va a tener influencia en nosotros ... si no somos nosotros los que tomamos la decisión de que esos comentarios o acciones nos afecten. Recuerda que las personas habitualmente ven ... pocas se dedican a mirar ...

Agradecida por tu visita ...