Fishy photography

in OCD4 years ago

Apparently, the seas around Xiamen are full of fish. Today I finally took the opportunity to go fishing. After getting way too much UV from the burning sun (x2 cause water reflection) I caught this poor fella:


Here I will show you another pic


It looks huge. But that is just because there are no objects close to the fish from which you can estimate the size. Here is the little fella in the sink


Ate the fishy in two bites. Absolutely worth the skin cancer :P


It is better to catch a small fish than a big disease :-)

Nice illusion 😁. Great pictures! Two bites, that's a teeny tiny dinner.

It would be fishy to call that a dinner :P

🤣 it would indeed!

At least you caught something.

Just remember not to say that to somebody with corona.

That macks me happy