My 2 Months Absence And What Have I Been Doing?

in OCD2 years ago

Hello guys, it's been a long while and I will like to share with you guys what I have been through for over 2 months. If you have been following my blog, you will probably guess the reason for my absence and if you haven't, I will tell you.

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Me At The Gym

Reason For My 2 Months Absence

On the 16th of October, 2021, I was robbed and the unknown thieves got away with my phone, laptop and my ATM Card and got access to my savings, to know more about the incident, click here. In matter of hours, my whole life changed.

The funny part about this, is that, I was already searching for a new apartment during that period and the money for the new apartment was stolen(through my ATM Card).

At this stage, I was worrying about getting a police report, so that if the stolen properties were found in a crime scene, I won't be seen as the culprit. The main issues then arose, after I got the police report, "How will I get a phone, laptop, rent money, and money to survive"?

I wrote an article to call for help, and came to my rescue, he lent me $650, which helped me to get a new phone and the remaining balance, I added it up with some money I got from friends such as @crypto.piotr and @samminator, I got a laptop alongside. Then my rent was remaining, I got money from some of friends. Mind you, we don't pay rent monthly, we pay rent yearly, and there are fees like agent fees and other irrelevant fees, that makes it very expensive.

I got all this done before 20th of November, but why didn't I start writing immediately? I felt completely depressed because I was owing a huge amount of money to friends. Whenever I write, I write for fun, with no worries of trying to make money to repay my loan, so it got me in a bad place. I was totally confused, I was present but at the same time, absent.

This is the second worst level of depression I have had in my life, the first, my Mum's death. Thanks to who gave me a good meditation course, which has been really helpful.

I'm glad, my mind is getting clearer and I'm not as confused as I was before.

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Getting Better


After I have gotten everything during the month of November, I wanted to start writing, but my eyes was also paining me badly. I have had this issue for a long while, and since I was depressed and looking for every reason not to write, I said to myself, that I should go to the hospital, to really check my eyes, which was truly wise, that's one big plus I got from been depressed.

They checked my weight and blood pressure, and the doctors moved their attention from my eyes, to my general health. Because I was weighing over 110kg and my blood pressure was over 170/120. I had to go and run a full body check up, which cost a lot, but my health is a priority. The results indicated that I needed to reduce my weight immediately, hence I should change my diet and start hitting the gym.

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Me At The Gym

These two things, my diet and gym, completely, changed my lifestyle. And that further affected me. Thanks to me hitting the gym constantly to run away from my worries, which helped me to gradually come to reality of what is happening around me. It's nearly a month since I started to hit the gym, and I must say, it feels really good, I feel happier and more active. My diet has been really hard to change, I can't cook, I mostly buy food, so now, I'm learning how to cook and make some good smoothies which I will be sharing with you guys and most evenings I take fruits as my dinner.

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My New Meal For Dinner

Why Am I Powering Down ?

I'm graphic designer and content writer, I haven't been collecting offers from clients recently, because I'm usually someone that keeps to his word, and I won't want to disappoint anyone because I can't guarantee getting the work done, so it's better to have a good integrity than take a job which changes that.

So, I haven't been making any income for over 2 months and that's why I'm powering down. I'm very very angry with this awful decision I took, because I know and believe the price of Hive will appreciate and what I'm doing now, I will regret it, but I don't want to take further loan. When I started the power down, price of Hive was $0.7 and now it is $1.56, huge difference. So, I'm very pained to be powering down. But I have made a decision to stop powering down next week, as I feel I'm ready to start writing and accepting graphic design offers.


It's not been a great 2 months, but I feel I have grown both mentally and emotionally, which is a positive. I have also started living a healthier lifestyle by eating healthy meals and hitting the gym constantly. I feel that in every bad event, there's some positive that will help you in the future. Although, I don't want any bad events, because I'm owing huge amount now but in life you have to also look at the positives in order to move forward. I learned about Gratitude and it is a good habit. I think tomorrow, I will be writing on how Gratitude helped me in overcoming my depression.


Thanks For Reading


Keep trying to find the positive side in your misfortune and don't regret the power down even if hive hits 10 dollars. It is now that you need some money and that's all that matters. My best wishes for the future, I am sure you'll do fine!

Thanks for your kind words @fotostef

Just a quick reply for now, to introduce you to @zhishuijing and @cosmic.paradise who will likely be encouraging you to become active in the #Matrix8 Element Group. They may well be able to offer you some perspective re. your post content too. Let's see :-)

Ps. A big hug and big welcome back to Hive from me brother.


I'm glad to be back. I hope to be friends with both @zhishuijing and @cosmic.paradise soon and be active in the Matrix8 Element Group.

Hello Menoski! Great to have you back.

Hi menoski! How you doing?, we are happy you are back! Dont forget to check your messages and participate in the element group, keep in touch! 🥰🥰🥰

Hi Menoski, we are very happy to be in contact with you, hope you can get more active and participate to the element group also! 🍃👣🙏

Glad to see you back bro. All these are experiences that have made you stronger. Brighter days are coming.

Welcome back bro

Thanks bro

Welcome back! Glad to see that you are coming out the other side of a terrible couple of months...Stick with it...

Annabelle :)

I will definitely stick with it. Thanks for your warm message @planetauto

Welcome back! Glad to see that you are coming out the other side of a terrible couple of months...Stick with it...

Annabelle :)

Glad to see you back guys 😊

Dear @menoski,

The current HiveBuzz proposal will expire in a few days.

Do you mind supporting our proposal for 2022 so our team can continue its work next year?
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Thank you. We wish you a Happy New Year!