The Preface Of Mine

in OCD2 years ago (edited)

Yes, you are currently reading my introduction. I was so puzzled about how to begin this one, but let's stick to the norm.

Hello, I'm Merilie, I'm 28 years old, and I'm from the Philippines.

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(Image not shown due to low ratings)

Images were hidden due to low ratings.

Stealing other people's pics and text is not the way to succeed in life and on Hive 😠

Whoever you are, please do not do this to others ever again. You have no idea how it could affect someone. The pictures you used were mine, it was obviously me. And the introduction? It was the piece I wrote two years ago on readcash. I can tell. Please stop doing this.

wow! the nerve of some people.

Sorry this happened to you. I just found out about this fraud. Fortunately I think they left, but one can never be too careful.

Care to explain why you are using another person's photos?

Hello @merilie ! This is @chillwithshanna from @ocd (Original Content Decentralized) team. Congratulations on making your first post on Hive and welcome to this amazing community!

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Happy Blogging!

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Welcome to Hive!
Ang deep ng intro but I like it!
By the way who introduced you to Hive? 🙂
Usually we ask this question kasi, just to know how you stumbled about the platform

@charmingcherry - I think ikaw to.

It's a poser. It is really sad to know that someone could steal an identity 🥺 I will write something about it to spread the word that this one's an identity theft.

he indeed copied all of my blogs... huhu how to report this?

HivePH has already been notified and some people are already starting to downvote 🙂 Don't worry, we'll get this scammer!

thanks dear!