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RE: My Introduction Post

in OCD β€’ last year

Yeah! One more gamer on the blockchain and I saw that... A movie lover 😍 just what I want to hear from a newbie lol

You'll love it here, there are communities for movies and game lovers... I'm hoping to read some recommendations from you soon

Welcome to Hive and do have a nice time here, ask whatever questions you might have, you will grow your account here faster that way πŸ™Œ

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Awesome, any info on getting starting such as communities and so on send them on! πŸ«‘πŸ™‚

Hehe I saw that your onboarder shared the ones related to your hobbies already.

I'd love to share more but one step at a time, you can check the community page for other communities that may interest you as you continue to Hive on πŸ™‚