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RE: Be a Good Person (Thoughts from a Diary)

in OCD2 years ago

Well yes I know you're religious =P

So is Jordan Peterson. It's not like I don't see any value in religious thought. In fact, increasingly I worry that an increasingly atheist society is finding that seemingly evolutionary need to worship something, in places a lot more toxic than a well-developed religion. Things like BLM and Transgender rights might be nice in principle but when you treat them as you would a God (never question it or suffer the consequences, do as I say or else, burn the things we disagree with) as many people do, its a concern. I feel like humans need something to put on a pedestal, and I'm not sure why. Doesn't seem healthy.

I'm not sure I'd make a good philosopher haha. I Just don't like to read and critique that much. Most philosophers seem like terrible people to me, or highly elitist if nothing else.

I consider the human population as one giant mass of philosophers, slowly but surely reaching a final grand conclusion. At which point we'll become galactic colonizers.