Changing negative mental habits!

in OCD4 years ago

Do you find yourself criticize others or things in your mind? Do you often give your 'expert' opinion?



You know, these are the mental habits that we need to change. Not just for others but most importantly for us. It's really important to rest our brains to live a happy life. Unfortunately, many of us don't realize it. Different mental habits occupy our minds so much we can't concentrate what's important to us and can't manage the time to take a break.

So, how can we change our mental habits?

First we have to identify it obviously. We have to ask ourselves questions. Like why I'm feeling so stressed seeing other's success? why people often annoy me easily? Why messy things make me uncomfortable very often? Why others make you feel jealous?

Then, point out what you need to rest your mind. It's also not taught. Just skip what's occupying your mind and then point out what you need to make your brain focus on something which is important for you.

Realize how negative impact your mental habits are creating. Like when you criticize, when you say something negative, when you feel jealous; observe what's going inside your brain.

Get rid of them. This is the hardest thing to do. Because we feel comfortable with our negative habits so much, we don't feel it's necessary to get rid of them. And when we do, it can't get out of the circle.

Negative mental habits are like our old cloths. It feels comfortable and we don't want to get rid of them. But if we see the reality we will feel they are not adding any value and making a mess in our life. Also, these negative mental habits are barriers to developing us as a person. So there's no need to say how important it is to get rid of them. I hope this gonna help you!

 4 years ago  

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Thanks for letting me know, I will join ecotrain community. cheers

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