Embrace your imperfections!

in OCD4 years ago

If we wait for perfection we will never reach it. Because perfection doesn't have any specific definition. We feel dissatisfied with our things we can try to fix it. But this need doesn't have any end. It's hard to make the end line. Because if we can't get rid of the root cause, the feeling of imperfection, we can't proceed further positively.


I know it's easy to talk about this sensitive issue. But hard enough to accept our imperfections. But think about your house or your kitchen. If you wait to make everything perfect and then start to work, there's a chance that it will never be done. Just like that this same thing happens when it comes to our body, appearance, personality traits or anything.

Try to work with what you have. Everyone can't get the first place, the most beautiful, talented. Try to move forward in your own way.

Try to make an impact no matter what you are how you look. Influence others by your personality, give time on personal development ie.

Befriend with positive-minded people. It helps passively to embrace all our imperfections.

Turn your negative into your positive power.

Well, this list can very long depend on our situations. The thing is we have to find the solution to make room to embrace imperfections. The basic thing is acceptance, for sure. Start with it, accept the way you are and try to improve.

But never regret yourself. I know it's hard. But think about how you feel every time about your imperfections. Take some baby steps to accept yourself the way you are and move forward.