in OCD4 years ago


I'm not really good in history but most of the information I shared in our country is base on my own experienced and observations. Well, some of it was gained from other people by asking it into details. However, I did ask because I was curious when I saw something. Since I'm not that old, you could say that I'm not knowledgeable enough in terms of old tradition or culture.

What I'm going to share it you now is one of the tribes here in the Philippines. Actually. it's rare for you to see the tribe these days here in our country. Tribes were being neglected or demolished as time goes modern. These you can't tell that all of that village is one tribe. We are not in the old days or stone age that a tribe should be together in one place. As people always say, not all can goes along with the flow of time.

These people I'm showing you are a tribe who lives near in the sea. You can see their houses above the sea level where made from bamboo trees. Just by knowing where they live you will understand already that their way of surviving or source of income is in the sea.


They have also other types of having money or food. They will go to every house to beg for money or food. Sometimes they will bring an instrument as if they're doing carollings at Christmas. They will play an instrument and after that, they will ask for money. What's even worse when they'll bring their month's old child together with them in begging money.

In our province or the place where I live. When there will be a festive of that town or Brgy. You can see these people roaming around in the place to ask for money. They will be their weeks before the day of festive so it means they will stay in a place where they can shelter from the sun and the rain. They will live in that place with their own families to beg money or food. They will not get mad if you won't give them but for them even just a little amount of money will be fine.


These people have no education and they don't apply a job to have work. Although when I stayed here in the City for long. I saw some of them were wearing school uniform and I saw them working as sales crew in the market. But not all of them because as you can see in the images above that they were begging money and eating outside the store.

I'm not being racist here by writing a post like this. This is just a reality of our country. Some places in our province, the municipality supported this tribe by giving them houses and land to work. But they said it's part of their nature not to work and always leaving their original place to go in a different place. That's what I understood by observing them and hearing from other people's thoughts. If ever I'm wrong especially from the Philippines. You can correct my understandings about them.

Thank you for reading

images are mine

d' dreamboy,