Introducemyself and jobstreet

in OCD26 days ago

good morning before noon, healthy and prosperous for all of us. How are you everyone, I hope we are all in good health. First of all, as a newcomer, I was blocked by @hive, sorry if there are any irregularities.

My full name is Yaser, who lives in Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, specifically in the city of Lhokseumawe.

I apologize if there are things that might be wrong because I just found out about this blog, and I'm also trying to learn from several friends who don't want to be mentioned, and I would be very happy if I could earn new income in the hivers blog at this time.

I am married and have a family with three children, the first child is a boy, the second child is a girl, the third child is a girl. My three children are currently still studying at three levels, namely, the first child is high school, the second child is middle school and the third child is elementary school.
My daily activities are teaching at one of the STATE PRIMARY SCHOOLS in the city of Lhokseumawe, apart from teaching I also pursue side activities as a farm workers

Introductionselfme akun blog me.

My name : @nauvalatjeh
Adres : atjhe
Jobstreet : teacher
Hoby : run, study, photography

My initial activity in the morning with the children was at 7.30 WIB, when the students arrived at the school, I as the picket teacher waited and greeted all the students and continued by giving directions to line up in the school yard to carry out routine and habituation activities.

After carrying out these activities the students and the female students immediately got used to it, namely cleaning the front of the class. After the refraction activity was finished the students went straight to the front of their respective classes to line up to enter the classroom. When I arrived in class, I immediately took action to check the attendance of students and students.
After completing checking student attendance, I immediately entered learning activities until break time.

this is me and my work, and this is all I can tell you about my work, thank you to friends who have supported me, and I still always learn a lot from friends all over the world. The strength I need is comments and also power from all my friends, see you in my story next time.