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in OCD4 years ago

Yep agreed that it was indeed a Triumph.
Very few people here can escape the force of the winds here and the South-Easter is called "The Cape Doctor", as that blows at times all year round and they say that it's so strong that it blows all of the germs out to sea!
People have to hold on to poles when they walk in the streets.

Cheers and thank you!


Well, I think that this wind is a bit stronger than our usual winds here. Of course we have strong storms too, but I could not remember that I ever had to hold on somewhere because of the wind.
... it blows all of the germs out to sea! - that's a nice saying 🙂

Cheers and !BEER

This "Cape Doctor" a south-easter wind record was measured at 160km Sir Johan.
Then we don't speak here of the winter gale force winds.

Winds that can flip fully loaded big trucks and rip out trees, destroy house roofs and can create real havoc whenever they feel like it!

Just to give you an idea of what I am talking about.

Blessings and thank you!

160 km/h is as fast as my motorbike goes. That's fast enough for me - wind and bike 😉

I have seen videos where such strong winds have knocked trucks over and destroyed houses. These are strong forces and you can't do anything against it apart from search a safe place.

Good morning @papilloncharity, have a great day - cheers and !BEER 🙂

Good morning Sir @johannpiber and hope that you will have a good day.

Yes, indeed there are also videos about the strength of the winds here and as you say, best is to find a safe place.

We are fairly well protected here, as we are in a bit of a dip and it would be ideal to live in one of the high houses with open views. But then we would be exposed to the winds, so it's not a good idea.

Cheers and thank you!

Yes, I also think it's certainly better to have not such a good view, but therefore be safe in the house.
The day was quite nice, but now the sky has got very dark and I think we'll have a little rainstorm later.

Cheers and !BEER

Oh yeah, we are slowly learning how to handle the winds here my friend.
I have a problem since childhood with my left inner ear and stong winds leave me in much pain.
Until I got the idea to wear an ear plug that I make with cotton wool.
Now I can walk around in any winds and have no pain.
Funny how life works.

Always good to have rain late as it is so nice to lay in bed and listen to rain.

Cheers and thanks!

Simple things bring sometimes big effects, like your ear plug 🙂
There was no rain - storms all around the town, but not a drop of rain fell here.

Cheers and !BEER

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