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RE: A Happy Friday post from the Ocean!

in OCD4 years ago

Hahaha, I so wish that you could have seen it with your own eyes Hannes.
Luckily people don't see or know that I have the zoom.
I decided to crop the lady out of the the very first photo because she looked totally exasperated, trying to pull the little dog towards the sea lol.

Yes, I could easily have made 3 posts, but time constraints and this slow PC would have meant most of my afternoon gone.

Btw. I got a very unusual shot today. Two Terns and an Oystercatcher together in flight. Of course the Terns are much faster than the Oystercatcher, but amazingly they slackened off to keep pace with him.
Never seen this before!

Here's the shot! The black one is the oystercatcher


Cheers and thanks!


Haha, yes, that must have looked so funny, and a zoom can be very handy in such cases 😉

I can imagine her face when she tried to pull the little dog 🤣

Looks cool, like a friendship across different kinds of birds. I haven't heard such of birds and that's surely very unusual to see, but of other animals I have heard of friendships though (cats and dogs 🤣).

Cheers and !BEER

Oh yeah, but I never try to embarass anybody lol.

The thing is that Terns can fly from here to the USA and the Oystercatcher can't.
In fact the Oystercatchers are on the rare endangered list and these two Terns seems to have made friends with one. That's why I said that it's an unusual shot.

Cheers and thanks!

Aha, now I understand better. Poor Oystercatcher must stay alone at home while the others fly on vacation, but maybe they take him with them on their back 😉

Cheers and !BEER

I heard that there is a protective colony of oystercathers, where they can breed not far from here at another seaside town Hannes.
The town is near the place where we found the Penguin colony and we will go and have a look if we can find it.

No way that that oystercatcher in the photo can ever get overseas, inless of course if he can stowaway on a ship. Lol.

Cheers and thanks!

It's good that they protect the endangered birds. I'm sure to see a post of this colony from you soon 😀

Cheers and !BEER

Oh yeah, after viewing the oystercather community and we will also make a turn at the penguin colony again.
From there we will go on a bit furter to do some whale watching.

Cheers and thanks!

Oh yes, penguins are so sweet. I live to watch them on YouTube sometimes 😀
Whale watching? Cooool 😀
I hope for some great photos, of course 😉

Cheers and !BEER

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