
Oh yes, penguins are so sweet. I live to watch them on YouTube sometimes 😀
Whale watching? Cooool 😀
I hope for some great photos, of course 😉

Cheers and !BEER

Oh yeah, there will be many photos and I have posted about our visit there last year, but it is whaling time again and it's so lovely to see the moms with their babies.
Some of the young ones try to "breach" (come out of the water) like their parents and it's fun to watch.

Cheers and thanks!

I'm too lazy to search for the old photos and will wait for the new ones 😄

I thought the evening would cool down, but it's still too hot here. So I think I'm going to take a cold shower and go to bed a bit earlier today - I'm working tomorrow 🙃

Cheers and !BEER

I am the same, as I really for some reason, also dislike going back into the files.

The wind is fierce here and it brought the rain clouds, as just started to drip here now. I think that I told you that we are booked for rain in the next 2 weeks.

Yeah, I have the habit of starting the shower on hot and then to gradually turn it to cold.
Hope that you can sleep in the heat Hannes. One thing that I cannot do lol.

Cheers and thanks!

Yes, I think I can remember that you said something about rainy days.

I love hot showers, even in Summer. Sometimes I take my shower like you do, but only when I am still too tired in the morning and need to wake up 😉

Sleeping in the heat isn't easy, but I'm tired and will watch a few minutes YouTube. This will help 😁

Cheers and !BEER

Ah, you have the luxury of YouTube of course.
We used to watch Louie Giglio on there a few years ago, but now out IT is limited.
I also stay awake, sometimes up to 2 or 3 am, but if I am up at 7am then for the rest of the day I am pooped 😏

Cold showers can indeed create an instant wake up hahaha.

Cheers and thanks!

No YouTube? That's weird.

I use it only for education 😉

Seriously, there are some photographers which have interesting channels, but for falling asleep faster I watch funny videos too 🤣

Right, I need at least 5-6 hours of sleep and when I go to bed at 10 pm I can easily get up at 5 or earlier 😉

Cheers and !BEER and good night Zac 😊

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