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RE: The beauty and the promise!

in OCD4 years ago

Hahaha, now you are talking my language Hannes.
I am always an opimistic soul and I have no intention of going to search for no pot of gold lol.
My friends are my gold lol.

Blessings and thanks!


You're welcome Zac,
and the luck will come - you have just to wait for it 😁

Good friends are always more worth than any gold 😊 ... although I wouldn't say no to such a pot 😉

Cheers and !BEER

Good evening Hannes,

By the time my luck comes, I will not know anymore what to do with it hahaha.

The thing is that when you get that pot of gold, it will draw many "friends" my friend.
We call those "friends" fly's, for as soon as the pot is finished they disappear.
It's the friends that we have now that are the real friends, as we build each other up, like you are doing with me and those are the friends that are worth more than gold!

Blessings and thanks!

Good evening Zac 😊

True, but I wouldn't let such friends get close or better said such people would never get to know about the pot 😉

Thank you Zac,
cheers and !BEER

That's not how the new friends work Hannes.
After you get that pot of billions, you will want to spend some and invest the rest. So word will get out, like it always does and all of a sudden you will receive invitations to all kinds of parties for the rich and everyone will make you feel very important.

Once the word gets out your pot of gold will be doomed hahaha
Now consider this, if you never find that pot, you will always be as happy as your are right now.
So now why would you wish for a pot of trouble that will make you lie awake every night fearing that someone could steal it?

Cheers and thanks!

Cheers and thanks!

Who said I'm happy now? 😆 lol

Believe me, this wouldn't work with me just because I am I and I am different 🙃 but this pot will never come near me, so I can't prove what I say 😉

Cheers and !BEER and a very good night Zac 😴

Hahaha, rember what they said they said about "never" Hannes.
It's a challenge to the universe to prove you wrong lol.

Cheers, thanks and dream about that pot tonight my friend hahaha.

So I hope the Universe will want to prove to me that it can do such things 😉

Cheers and !BEER

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