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RE: Fun at sunset!

in OCD4 years ago

Oh? Well for your information, we were thinking about planting a church there in Austria, down the road from you guys and I considered to make you the head deacon.

We will of course first have to let you obey Rule no: 992. That is to walk barefoot on red hot coals to seek deliverance from the young nurse spirit.

So, let's see what the future holds lol.

Cheers and thanks!


Aha, there's the rest of the threat and actually it is no threat at all.
I like the rule no 992 somehow, so you mean the spirit of the young nurse will become flesh and blood after my walk over the hot coals? Cool 🤗

Cheers and !BEER and good night my friend 😊

Oh man, I am never a threatening guy, but I think one of the primary rules will be applicable in your young nurse case.
In one of the previous posts I sent you a picture of our whichdoctor, so I think that he will have to put a snake inside you to chase the evil young nurse spirit away.

Hope that you had a good night my friend.

Cheers and thanks!

I have just replied to the witchdoctor comment - suddenly I have become healthy and do not need any help from a nurse nor from any doctor, especially not from a witchdoctor … the nurse's spirit is gone 😉

The night was good, thank you Zac, and I hope so was yours 😊

Today is a nice day, but it's a day where I wished I had 3 or 4 monitors on my desk instead of only two, because then I could work on more tasks simultaneously and would be faster 🤣

Cheers and !BEER

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