Exit from the lockdown in Belgium, but Kafka couldn't have done it better!

in OCD4 years ago

Leaked documents

So finally the Belgian government has done some work preparing for the exit from this lockdown madness. But believe me, Franz Kafka couldn't have done the strategy better than this. So, normally, shops and other business will reopen on the 4th of May. But schools will stay closed until 18th of May. Ok, no problem with that, except, who will take care of the kids? They will have to go to school, but no lessons will take place there, just some kind of summer camp like stuff? I kid you not! Schools won't reopen, but they actually will just to keep the kids company. Who invents these crazy things?

The Belgian security council, kind of like Monty Python

Why in heaven's name don't they open the schools first and then the shops and businesses, so people don't have to leave their kids alone at home or have to send them to their grandparents, which is still a big no no!

Incredible stupidity by our national security council, but I didn't expect anything better than that. They have the organizational talent of a bunch of kangaroos on speed. Still, we have something to look forward too. Gatherings with maximum ten people will again be allowed. And even wedding parties can take place, with a maximum of 50 people! Just the pubs and restaurants stay closed for now...

Welcome in crazy Belgium!

