Why are protests against the lockdowns silenced in MSM?

in OCD4 years ago (edited)

There are protests all over the world

You most probably haven't read or heard of them yet, but all over the world people are protesting against the very profound restrictions of our freedom, called lockdowns. From Ohio to North-Carolina in the USA, Pakistan, South-Africa, Australia, to Germany. All over the world people are protesting or trying to protest against this crime against humanity. But so far, the mainstream media hasn't been covering it, or when they cover it, the protesters are portrayed as freak "conspiracy theorists".
The fact alone that this is silenced by all possible canals, is alarming, and shows that the protesters are right in their actions. It is just silenced, because they don't want it to spread. And spread it will, because every day of further lockdown will feed the frustration of people even more. It will hollow out the social nature a human being is, and that eventually will result in an eruption from those same people. Don't be fooled people, these lockdowns are not "the solution" against the pandemic of the corona virus. The numbers from Sweden have already proven that a lockdown is not necessary to keep this virus between the boundries of the acceptable. So what is holding us from massively disobeing these insane rules?

Protests in Michigan

James Corbett on the protests being silenced




well i don't know if it is really being suppressed. Of course the MSM is gonna want to put their spin on it and those websites are more visible just generally speaking but then again, the people who are in communities like this one, or reddit, or something else similar, would probably be the kind of person that would never depend on what CNN, Fox, or MSNBC or insert whatever MSM you want.

It's out there, and people are sharing it. I for one am happy it is happening and knew this was an eventuality.

It is kind of funny to me the way that the liberal sites frame these situations as being Trump rallies and then cherry-pick the images they decide to use in order to try to make the protesters seem as nuts as possible.

This was always going to be what they do though and I think that a lot of people are able to see through the obvious bias.

Here in Belgium, the narrative on MSM is of such sort, that it creates a social control by everyone to make this impossible.
Protest now and you are portrayed as a murderer of the elderly... Really scary actually

well that seems to be the common accusation. If you don't completely comply it is because you are selfish and don't care if old people die. It's horrible logic....

Saturday in Texas. Be there or be in your prison lol.