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RE: Three Years on One Blockchain or Another

in OCD4 years ago

Happy third blockchainversary! The crypto course sounds very cool.
My condolences on your losses. A friend of mine has lost four loved ones to covid, but thankfully even though I know people who got it, I haven't known any deaths from that either. I can't imagine having to deal with bureaucracy and paperwork whilst grieving! Our modern system is just mad. :(
Hooray on yourself being very healthy! <3


Thank you 😍 The course is free and global, if you want to try it.
Thank you for the condolences, too, so much to get used to. I feel a bit lightheaded sometimes, like I don't know what's going on.

Hooray on yourself being very healthy! <3

A very nice surprise, and it helps creates a positive cycle: I've woke up smiling three mornings in a row 😁 hope you are doing well x