Another "milestone" reached: just got censored on Steem for the first time

in OCD4 years ago (edited)

Hi there my Hivean friends and followers!

Today is the April Fool´s Day and what just happened to me on Steem does look like a (bad) joke indeed. For the first time ever, I had the "privilege" to feel the power of censorship of His Majesty (or should I say Majustin? :D)


I reposted this post with some of my best natural photos to Steem and even though there was nothing anti-Justin or anti-Steem in it at all, the post just disappeared today. I tried using other frontends like Busy and SteemPeak but the post was not there either. I know they cannot delete something from the blockchain so the post must still be somewhere there but obviously, they control more than just Steemit now.

Undoubtedly, censorship has been running rampant on Steem and the absence of anti-abuse accounts has only worsened the situation as the blockchain has become a stronghold of spammers, scammers and other notorious characters (yes, Haejin is now back to Steem too).

To be honest with you, I think Steem is way beyond repair already. I can see a lot of people just trying to milk what was left from this place and I can actually understand that as it is a way to earn some easy Steem that can be then converted to Hive and thus used to support our new home but it still somehow doesn´t feel right to me to join this bonanza. I don´t know...

How about you guys? What are your thoughts and plans?

This post was created by me for the Hive blockchain exclusively. All rights reserved.


Thank you for visiting my blog. If you like posts about Nature, Animals, Ecology, Crypto, Traveling, Photography and discovering secrets and beauties of the World, feel free to follow me as these are the topics I mostly write about. Have a wonderful day and keep on hiving! :)


Very sad, especially as there are still some great people who decided to continue writing (or even stay completely) on STEEM.
However, the current conditions which for example allow the biggest spammer ever, @haejin, to milk the system again and prevent great posters like you to do their job, don't look good at all (to express it euphemistically).

I really hope that HIVE will do better, but to reach more people and make the network grow it is absolutely necessary to see other topics than only blockchain, programming, crypto or HIVE related stuff on trending!!!

Very good points as always. I think your "the situation doesn´t look good at all" is very euphemistic indeed. From my perspective, Steem is currently nothing but one giant blockchain cesspool that represents the exact opposites of what a healthy decentralized blockchain with a good and loyal userbase should stand for.

I fully agree with you on the Hive trending page. Actually, this is exactly what I wrote about in this post.

From my perspective, Steem is currently nothing but one giant blockchain cesspool ...

In theory STEEM would have the chance gain shares of the Asian market, especially as many Asian people don't care a lot about decentralization and blockchain, but instead of that just want to communicate with friends, combined with the option to earn some money. However, currently Justin Sun is executing measures which could be too much even for this kind of target audience ... we will have to wait and see ...

Yes, he is basically creating a strongly centralized and controlled environment there that only his loyal friends and fans can enjoy...

Ani já se nechci mstít na síti, kde jsem začínal a kde toho tolik pěkného zůstalo. Byl by to hyenismus. Budu jen tiše odcházet ze scény a stahovat to, co tam ještě zbývá.
Nechám tam jen trochu své SP a sem tam hodím trdlem. Kvůli diverzifikaci investic. A kvůli tomu, že nikdo neví, co se Steemem teď vlastně bude...
Je ho škoda. Ale je to další poučení, jak se může stávající stav věcí velice rychle změnit o 180 stupňů.

Rozumím ti. V mých očích to teda vyloženě hyenismus není (to je spíš to, co tam teď předvádí ten čínský despota), ale mám z toho dost smíšené pocity. Ale popravdě moc pěkného už tam nezůstalo. Myslím, že jediný letmý pohled na trending page stačí k tomu, aby si člověk udělal obrázek. Ten obří stake Steemitu se teď mj. vesele používá na upvotování postů oslavujících Jeho Veličenstvo a downvotování jakékoliv opozice... V horším (nebo lepším?) případě jsou uživatelé blokováni úplně.

Myslel jsem spíš, že jsem proti pomstě. Zůstaly tam přece naše staré, dobré posty a nostalgické vzpomínky na první vydělané Steemy;)
To, co se tam děje v současnosti, je hnus, to máš pravdu. Steemit to úplně zničí. Je dobře, že jsme se přesunuli.

Jo takhle, tak to máš pravdu...

Maybe it's a way how they make sure Steem contains only original content (no repost of Hive stuff) 😂

How about all those censored and blacklisted authors then? They were not reposting anything...

Indeed, that's sad. I posted there let's see if they keep it, after all I am not such involved individual like you, for instance 😂

Censorship is always a ship ment to sink. Be it a steemer or a sailboat.

Za steemitem jsem zavřel dveře 21.3. Teď jen občas kouknu na SteemWorld a na S-E, kvůli stahování a převodu STEEM na HIVE

Asi jsi dobře udělal. Ty dveře je asi fakt nejlepší už vůbec neotvírat...

Stačí mi, co sem o steemitu píšou a vůbec to nemusím vidět na vlastní oči

It's an absolut joke what's going on over there. Anyways I'm milking it as long as I can. I'm probably also censored by now but haven't checked. Have you seen if you try to sell steem you are now getting directed to Justin's shitty exchange lol

I think you are still visible over there, at least your last post about benefits of burning food :D

Oh wow, you are right! It´s taking me right into the Dictators´s stinky den aka Poloniex :D Crazyyy.

Haha, wow! But yeah, that's what I meant when we chatted yesterday, I only post neutral content, not about Hive and not 'Hive original challenges' and stuff :') Bit childish they removed that post though!

They started removing posts at the 'node level' and since all the nodes on Steem were moved by the community to Hive there's only a Steemit Node available now. This means they basically can now control what content is shown on ALL FRONTENDS! Can only be changed if someone from Steem is willing to pay for a node (quite expensive).

Cheers :-)

Ah so that´s why... Thanks for your explanation Rosa, now it makes sense. So eventually, they did take over the whole blockchain on every level possible. Cannot wait to get my remaining powered down Steem and leave this ugly place forever...

How is this even possible? As you said, you can't delete from the block chain. Sounds a bit like a kind of caching on some Steemit server before it actually gets written on the chain so that they can alter (or remove) content in advance. Which absolutely IS possible but would be far beyond the idea of basically everything Steem stands for... Or stood.

See what @soyrosa wrote above. They are now controlling the whole blockchain including all front ends. Unfortunately, the current Steem has nothing to do with what it was until just recently :(

R.I.P. Steem, long live Hive.