A long comment that inexplicably and unexpectedly turned into a whole TL|DR post.

in OCD3 years ago (edited)

First of all, I am very glad that someone like @tarazkp has brought a prickly subject like this to the fore in one of his latest posts. Since I consider that it was about time and just and necessary. The title of his post is: "Burger-flippin' content" and I reckon there are many good points worth noting here. So ok, let's see...

Let's dissect it neatly from top to bottom.
And try to analyze what the heck of value I could add to this. };)

«-Burger's Flipper-»

King of McDonalds

I don't think it is any secret, that I love to write.

Yep, that has never been a secret in the least. :)

ain't nobody got the time for that.

Oops, that's still a formidable mystery that we have yet to decipher. :p

However, I wonder a couple years later, what those people think now, have I wasted my time?

Very clearly and beautifully well you have shown that you have not wasted your time. :)

One of the arguments for not putting in effort into posting on Hive has been that they can earn more working a menial job flipping burgers.

Sure. Menial jobs. As well as draining septic tanks. ;)

Yet the same people who say this seem to systematically ignore the fact that they aren't flipping burgers, don't want to flip burgers and if they were, probably would spend the little they got on trash anyway.

Is this too evident? Hahahaha

Not only that, they also fail to mention that in order to flip burgers for a menial wage, one has to be at work when told and do what is told. Menial and low-paid, doesn't mean it is fun.

Oh yeah, and not only this other: They can't figure out either that in that menial job flipping burgers, a "wage increase" will always be contingent solely on the criterion of a single stake holder who will always be willing to kick their butt out of the flipping burgers business long before it is granted to them. };)

I have fun writing.
Like, a massive fucking amount of fun.

Gee! who'd say it? :p

I enjoy it and as such, instead of being told when and where to be or what to do - I can write 24 hours a day, 7 days a week if I choose and there have been times I have actually almost done that.

That's right. We have seen it. If you only took off your dark glasses from time to time to allow us contemplate in awe the gorgeous dark circles under your eyes. LoL

These days, I limit how much I post by cramming a lot into a single piece to satisfy my desire to write, but not creating four or five posts a day, because people see that as spammy.

Spammy? ¿Who cares? Who the hell is the know-it-all here that can tell with absolute certainty what spam really is? ;~O

Sometimes I wonder about what is spam though, as while I get the idea that people hold where they feel that one person shouldn't post or earn that much, they also think that a post should be rewarded on the content itself.

Ditto! ...please check the previous item.

I am pretty sure that when I was posting more often back about three years ago, the majority of my content was still better than 95% of the content on the platform and most pieces got decent engagement on them.

Well, I would say your content was only a 94.666% better than the rest of the content on the platform if we include also mine into the equation. But yeah, I have to admit that you rolled me on the floor like an old rag in the jaws of a playful puppy in the engagement department. :D

The question is, is it spammy if a person can produce a lot of content, or is it spammy because of the rewards involved?

For me it's deadly obvious. Most would say it is spammy because of the rewards involved. :o)

I know that there are plenty of people who post because they get rewarded and why not? The rewards are there after all. However, I also know there are many people who post to get rewarded, without caring whether what they are posting is engaged with or useful in any way.

Caring whether what we are posting is engaged with or useful in any way is useless. Since it always is gonna depend of the level of enlightenment and sense of humor in our audience. };)

A lot of the people don't care about their content at all, as long as they get a payout of some kind after 7 days.

Yeah, seems like for some, having a heap of bruises and scratches on their knees pays out sometimes. :-@

But, I think these are the burger-flip-creators, the people who don't care what they do or offer, as long as there is some kind of paycheck attached and for the most part, at least in terms of creating content, they might not exactly be the most skilled amongst us.

Yep! if they are not willing to do those dared stunts juggling the burgers thru the air before flipping them, the truth is that they don't deserve to be called skilled in this burger-flip-creation bizniz. :)

However, this is what more than 95% of the content on the internet is, as most of it is generated by people who aren't actually looking to earn and then when they find Hive, they bring more of the same here, and are able to earn something on it. Something is better than nothing, but something doesn't necessarily inspire great content.

Yep, something is something. Something is always better than nothing. But unless you can smoke that something until the cigbutt, that amazing content won't make anyone dizzy enough as if to inspire them to try another little deep suck. ;o)

However, paying people more, doesn't inspire great content either, it just over-rewards crap. But, rewarding good content does inspire more good content.

That's true. I've seen tons of over-rewards crap over the years. However, as for the rest of the sentence, I think that it is neither one nor the other, but quite the opposite. :D

This is not a chicken or the egg problem, the skill, talent and ability has to be demonstrated before the pay day. No one signs a contract with a football player or a singer and then checks to see if they can kick a ball or hold a note.

Hey! ¡wait! ...Are you by chance implying that this old chicken and egg dilemma has not yet been resolved in plain 21st century? ¡Holy shit!

But, everyone expects that they are going to get "discovered" soon after joining, so they only really need to put effort in for the first few months.

As it should be. Dreams of greatness from beginners, apprentices and TikTokers. ;)

It is like getting past the trial period in a job by working hard, and then slacking off after - except, most don't even make it through the trial period. But, most people aren't content creators are they? How many people really are here?

According to my latest observations, a lot of new tiktokers who like to put on makeup too much, many more who are chefs apprentices, many more who are just silent gamers, a ton more with already smashed knees and if anything, a trio of handfuls that still provoke us giving them the benefit of the doubt by clicking on their content praying that they've come up with something new to share that we can really learn from. };)

Most are only creating digital content because they get paid to do so and if they didn't they would be far less enthusiastic about it. As I was saying to someone on a post last night, I think that now that I am going, I don't think I could stop writing even if Hive didn't exist. It is part of my process, part of the way I parse the world, part of me and my content is part of me too.

That's how it is. We are slaves of what we say and owners of what we keep silent. Or in other famous words: "We are slaves to our words. We are owners of our silence"
One more time: "We are masters of the unsaid words, but slaves of those we let slip out" ...erm, is this clear enough? Yes, I guess so.

However, I suspect that many would not mind playing the role of slaves from time to time. Hey! no one has seen those reality shows where the opulent CEOs of a big company dress up disguising themselves as rookies to mingle with their own employees abroad to closely see and know what they suffer and enjoy in his enterprise? Nope? Well, I have seen them. But yeah, now I'm probably rambling. ;p

Getting paid is a huge bonus for me, especially since it has given the opportunity to invest and have a chance to improve what has been a financial life of struggle for so long.

Yep! it's pretty clear that you've been and you still are one more of us from that struggle perspective. :)

I am super lucky to have the opportunity and I am for damn sure not going to throw it away by shitposting for reward because for some period of time, the autovoters won't notice. Fuck that! I have those autovoters for a reason and it isn't because I have bruises on my knees.

Oh! I can vouch of this statement.

  • Yes, you are indeed super lucky.
  • I am also damn sure you are not going to throw your luck away by shitposting for rewards.
  • We are aware you've had those autovoters for a reason.
  • And at least me, I know very well that your knees are intact and shining.

But again, I often question what is truly regarded as shitposting or spam in this multicultural digital place and picturesque "Social Network" on the blockchain. Hey! is there a know-it-all in the room? };)

I will again if I have to, but I don't want to ever flip burgers for a few hundred dollars a week, even if it will take me a quarter of the time to get it. I would far rather spend five hours a day and seven days a week writing for Hive instead.

You are wise and with great common sense. I suspect that nearly five years have been enough to develop such equanimity and a sense of the value of time. I have a hunch that there are still many out there who have not yet realized this, not even if merely a few pennies already begun to rain on their bald heads so far. :D

Not only because of the freedom of time I can use, but because what I am doing is valuable - at least to me. It is also potentially valuable to those who read it too, if they are willing to make it so. value is not in the eye of the beholder, it is in their action.

"Value - Valuable" yes, another pair of uncanny buzzwords which are highly misunderstood with millions of new meanings blooming everywhere like the poppies of Afghanistan during these last days. ;o)

But, the great thing about Hive is that while it is a content distribution blockchain, it doesn't care what that content is. As we are currently seeing, Splinterlands creates the vast majority of transactions on Hive, and that is content too.

Put on makeup, make us a sandwich in the morning, prune a few bushes in the garden, tie an actifit gadget in our ankle while we ride a bicycle or we are kicking 1000 times the same stones down the street, record a video while we are playing a video game realtime, or tell about our hardships when we entered in a hurry to the bathroom and discover that at the end of the royal job there is no toilet paper left or that we were trapped in there with a couple of annoying flies during the whole royal process without realizing. Etcetera, etc and so on.

As long as we create a step to step tutorial on all these things or a video streaming showing the process in detail in a post afterwards, this always will have value among some fans, groupies and rookies of the specialty. No matter how shitposting or spammy these things might be for others. To each their own. ;)

People are making money from Hive in various ways because of transactions that have absolutely nothing to do with blogging. The problem for many there though is, *it takes at least 10 dollars to buy a spellbook to start - user pays to play. This isn't a problem, unless you aren't willing to spend or don't have ten dollars you can spare.

Yep, it will always be infinitely more useful to spend those $10 on a better spellbook on how to produce that amount of do$h out of thin air in first place. Especially if you don't have ten dollars you can spare. };)

But, you can get a Hive account for free in various ways and try your hand at content creation, but for most, it isn't likely to make them rich - because most just don't have what it takes. But, that doesn't mean a person can't do well from Hive, as long as they are willing to learn all they can, they might be able to find many other ways.

Some may not have what it takes. Some others may not have it at all. Most are just in the middle. Others may not be understood by anyone. But one thing is for sure. As long as you have a nice ass and a pair of tits. Just make sure to shake & move these natural attributes to the rhythm the most opulents in the club plays for you and sooner rather than later you'll succeed. :o)

Eventually though, everyone no matter if rewarded or not as a blogger, has to come to terms that the votes are going to dry up and the taps turned off, as tastes change and of course, the rules of the blockchain could shift in a hardfork.

Hey! more hardfork will be you! LoL
Ok, but seriously now. Never better said, clarified and expressed. I agree and it is evident that this would be the case. Votes & tastes don't grow on trees.

For example, what would happen if the rate of inflation was halved tomorrow? what would happen if HIVE become an infrastructure token and a secondary token was issued instead? What would happen if the price went to 10 dollars and never came down again? Any of these things can happen, but people assume that whatever the conditions are now, will be the conditions tomorrow.

Uhm yeah, many people will never be able to see beyond flatland.

Don't take any of this for granted.

¿WAHT? erm... I mean: ¿what? ¿Why Not?

As you can see, there is no real point to this article, but there are many points embedded into it that you might latch onto. Some will focus on the ideas of what is spam, or what is over-rewarded, while others will look at the governance or what they might think are the evils of autovoting or the memories of working a crappy job.

Uhmm, I am beginning to suspect that in the end @tarazkp actually continue reading my nonsensical articles nowadays but he are taking extreme care that I do not realize it. Because from where else it could have occurred to him of using the word "embedded" and "there is no real point to this article" if not? :D

But, most people who manage to get through this 1400-odd words should be able to find something within that they could extract and build upon and maybe even, make some decent content from.

That's precisely what I tell myself every time I think of perpetrating, lucubrating, redacting, writing and adorning each one of my posts with beautiful mysterious images to confuse everyone. I'm still working on it. That they can finally be able to find something within that they could extract and build upon. What could they build? I dunno, it's clearly their freaking problem. My job already has been done. :D

Not everyone though - as most people don't care about any of this, as long as they get some votes.

Hey, hey, speak only for yoursef. Because the highest vote of my boting autovotes does not even reach to grant a full dollar on my 1400-odd words shit. And here you still have me. Trying to see if someone would finally be able to extract and build something useful making some decent DiY content from the sticky building material that I throw around everywhere.

Flip that burger over. It's burning.
You had one job.

Alright! then I guess this is the best time for the third image of this post.

Leave a comment. Share your experiences and feedback. ¡Be part of the conversation!


"Follows, Comments, Rehives & Upvotes will be highly appreciated"

Cranky Gandalf



The dark circles under my eyes are probably genetic.

One thing that I have never understood about you and many others here is that while it is obvious you want reward, you are only willing to do it your way. I get that - but at the same time, then spend a lot of energy talking about not getting rewarded or how the system is broken - which ironically, will attract less rewards over time. When all that comes out is complaint and bitterness, at least I tune out. Not just here, everywhere. There is enough content in the world on offer not to have to join the symphony of misery.

Like I said the other day, it is about needs and wants and I think a lot of people want to do what they want more than fulfil their needs. It seems very "cart before horse" to me. But, we each choose our own path, end up where we do, and deal with it the best we can.
