What footprint are you leaving as you go through life?

in OCD3 years ago


This was a saying I heard for the very first time from my dad years ago when I was much younger and back then I would admit I had no idea the applicability of these words but as I grow older and understood better I realized these simple words would be a great measuring scale for me.
The world we live in today is full of struggles, we struggle to survive, to be rich, to earn respect, to build prestige, and even to live healthy which is all perfect because let's face it our desires are not wrong but the mentality that all of these things are the only way for true fulfillment in life lays our problem.

I am not against earning respect, building a reputation, or making money because I as well desire all of these plus more but my question is should this be all we desire out of life?.

Let's take a look at the life of a man who struggled daily for year's to make a name for himself in society, he had both money and power and his family was always envied by others because they wore expensive clothes, drove flashy cars, and had exotic homes all over the world but one day this man was diagnosed with a life-threatening illness and in a bid to save his life his family spent virtually everything they had to save him but unfortunately, even that wealth wasn't enough as he succumbed to death after fighting his illness for 3 long and painful years .his death left his family with nothing and the most painful of it all was when the community they lived in refused to offer any help to his family, why? because according to everyone else except his immediate family although he was a rich man he was greedy enough to trample on the poor to get to where he was and so stingy he never helped anyone no matter how much you begged him.

This man is like a lot of us today who just WANT!!! But at the back of our minds, we shouldn't forget that we are not meant to live in this world forever so while we gather all of the wealth we can one day we will leave it all behind.


My father likened the entire world to one giant marketplace in which all of us are here to buy or sell and when it's night (end of our lives)we all must go home and thanks to these words I decided that while I struggle to get I will in return cultivate a habit of giving back.

what would be better than onowing when we leave this world that people remember us for the good we have done, for the positive impacts we made in the life of others and how we lend a hand in elevating the sufferings of those around us to the best of our ability and means 😊 now that is a legacy I truly wish to live as my footprint in the sands of time that would never be forgotten what about you?.


Thank you for taking out the time to read my post 😘

Photo credit : Diego lozana & Megan mcfadden on unsplash.


One of the best gifts that we can be given - is the gift of generosity!

Because it gives and gives and gives - beyond even our own lifetime! It is the kind of love that is selfless and reaches far into the future as we bless people NOW who will continue to bless those who come later :)

i loved this post! @thekittygirl shared it with all of us on the PYPT show with @shadowspub :)

but - @jamesrussell had also sent me a DM to tell me to keep an eye on your work - as it shows great promise!!!!!! hehehehehe

wonderful posting!!!! looking forward to more from you :)

Thanks so much for the support 🙏 I am truly humbled and i will do my best to keep your faith in me alive . And at the moment I haven't found the words to yet express my appreciation to @thekittygirl @jamesrussell @wesphilbin for showing up when I needed that support 👍 #rockstartrio

those three are truly amazing people and they bring such help to the Hive blockchain and all the newbies that come!!! :)

If you continue to work hard - I know it ... that will be thanks enough for all three of them! I know their hearts! :)


Heavens sake! What a simply wonderful post! If you look at the accounts that have voted on your post, you will see my #thoughtfuldailypost Curation Account @thoughtfulposts. As KittyGirl mentioned, I don't usually interact with posts, that don't use my #thoughtfuldailypost TAG. But in this particular case, I have made an exception.

Please continue to spread this positive energy on the blockchain. In the current state of the world... it's much needed!


!LUV @tipu curate !WINE






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I already read a few of the posts on there and definitely something I want to be part of so i did subscribe 🤗 and thank you big time for the love and support because your support and moving forward will keep the tag in sight for relevant posts.

Some very profound wisdom from your father and you not only listened, but took it to heart.
Thank you for sharing a little bit of you with us, which is also sharing a little bit of your father as well! Bless you as you move forward here, and in life.

And thanks to you this journey just got a lot smoother. It is only a fool who disregards a good advice and I am pleased to not I'm not 🤗

Posts like this would be great with the #thoughtfuldailypost tag, hosted by @wesphilbin 💙 Great piece of writing here, lady!

I already subbed the group so I am definitely going to be in there 😊 but question is I already posted this in one community so can I still add it there 🤔

I was only suggesting the #thoughtfuldailypost tag for the post. Now that you mention it, there is a community for Thoughtful Posts, but I can put it there for you, no problem! 🙂

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Very inspiring piece. We must always remember to be kind to others as you will never take your achievements to the grave.

I also realized that you just joined less than a week ago. If you can continue like this, you are sure to be successful on the blockchain

I saw this post on the PYPT show on the #dreemport discord server

Thank you so very much 🙏 I really appreciate the support and yes I am new to hive but ready to work hard to make a place for myself here.

I'm looking forward to seeing more your work

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To support your work, I also upvoted your post!

Thanks for sharing your experience with us!

You have been curated by @wesphilbin on behalf of Inner Blocks: a community encouraging first hand content, and each individual living their best life. Come join the Inner Blocks Community , and check out @innerblocks! #lifehappening