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RE: Confused auto vote / 自動アップボートが混乱している

in OCD4 years ago (edited)

welcome back!! love to notice your post in my feed
i think I was one of that auto-persons, you talk about in the post
i am in the same position, as I'm part of #TalentClub voting trail (I was on Steemit), when the Hive was created, a lot of things was automatically 'inherited', with auto-voting policy being one of them...
you may check it via the service :
and use it to make new auto-upvote policies
the problem is, I suspect there are some pocilies programmed that are not written there! but they are a matter of fact, i.e. I dont know where you should erase them, as my list in dont display them...

also, the news: we have a 5-th Hive festival! it will be conducted virtually this time. check any of @roelandp posts about it. I plan to take part, myself. would love to see some of my S-friends...


I'm so happy to see you stopping by! It looks like can help me. I'll give it a try. Thank you!
Virtual hivefest!?!?!!! That sounds really fun. I'd have to look into it!