Saturday full of activities this is my beautiful Saturday story

in OCD3 years ago


Friends, the weather lately has made us a bit slow in moving because of the rain and cold air which causes us to always want to be at home and so on but what can we do we still have to do our daily activities like me on Saturdays, we still have to take our children to school. School is a kindergarten where the first child who is 4 years old goes to school.


After that, instead of picking up my child from school at the kindergarten, which was around 11 am I decided to take part in the recitation at Meunasah Kulah Batee. There, the teacher council had gathered to attend the routine recitation which was held every Saturday and I happened to be a little late because I had to pick up my son, so I took my son Tengku Muhammad Waly Al Khalidi directly there to join the recitation together.


The photos above and below are photos of the recitation activity which happened to be held on Saturday at Meunasah kulah bate in Bireuen district where every Saturday we in Bireuen district always hold tastafi recitations which will be guided by our teachers, our scholars. including Abu Mudi and then Father Cot Ttueng and also Abi Mudi Abi Zahrul and also Abu Manan Blang jruen.


The place of recitation is also alternated, sometimes the recitation is held at the Jeumpa Bireuen Grand Mosque or the Sultan Jeumpa Mosque, the main mosque of Bireuen Regency, also sometimes held at Meunasah Kulah Batee, Bireuen Regency where it is rocked alternately every Saturday.


The recitation was attended by teachers around the city of Bireuen where the recitation was a high-level special recitation and indeed the material was also our scholars. The recitation was carried out until 12.30 or until the zuhur call to prayer until we usually held the zuhur prayer in congregation at the mosque or at the place of study.


After finishing the recitation and the midday prayer, me and my children all returned home and as usual I had a short stop in Bireun City for some purposes, finally I got home around 2 pm and after that I rested as usual.


Thank you very much and the highest thanks to all friends who have visited, read, shared, provided comments / criticisms / suggestions, and gave an assessment of my writing.

I want to thank @ocdb as a admin in this OCD the wonderful community. I really love to join here .
And I also thanks to all of my friends who are willing to visit and read my posts. Your attention and support means a lot to me.

Thank you very much to all friends who support each other on the HIVE social media platform that we love. I hope we will continue to grow together, help each other help each other maintain mutual respect and progress and succeed together.

That's my post on this occasion. I hope that what I have written and posted here can all be useful for all of us and become reading material and consideration for all of us.

See you again on another occasion in the next post.

Good Luck Tgk @rijalaronaceh


Looks like you had a nice Saturday! I would recommend you check out The Weekend community if making posts about your weekends. The OCD community is meant for posts that doesn't fit in anywhere else, and you stand a chance of gaining a larger audience by posting in niche communities. Also you won't have to pay 10% beneficiary to @poshtoken which you will have to do if posting here.

Oke sir @pusen . I will try to implement this suggestion you gave. It's absolutely true as you mean that we better make posts in dedicated communities. Thank you very much for guiding me , I will try it in the next post . Also thank you very much for your support for me , We wish you all success in HIVE together.