American Nigger Hunter X - Chapter 6 One Flew Over The Jewkoo's Nest

in OCD3 years ago (edited)

Last thing I remember I was smoking a pack of American cigarettes and listening to Tom Petty, before driving my car full speed into the courthouse.


I used a brick to keep the pedal to the metal as I climbed on top the American steel chassis behemoth.
I looked the courthouse right in the eye as I readied my body. The courthouse blinked. This was for all the real American heroes who fought for truth, liberty, justice, and all those other all American values that the communists hate. The modern courts were nothing but a vehicle of GloboHomo, whether you were in the divorce courts getting taught a lesson about Women and their privilege in society, or whether you were the no-gooder Drugs ring disco Tsar of the underworld being fraudulently accused of fraud as a means to escalate the police state of GloboHomo. The police were no longer there to protect you. If you were burgled, assaulted, or suffered from some other serious crime, they wouldn't investigate, but if some 12 year old said something mean to a millionaire online, they would put millions into prosecuting the child. Such was the way, The police were a GloboHomo vehicle, and now so was the courts. This was the last line between the glue that holds society, and the Mad Max future the Jews were trying to create.
"TO HELL WITH IT!" I screamed as I threw my fist at the courthouse "WHITE POWER!" I heroically shouted as my fist met the courthouse. The courthouse didn't know what hit it.
The White Power and the speed from my American made muscle car infused my hyper masculine ultimate man punch.
There was an explosion of power. Pure White Righteous Anger.

I woke up in the midst of rubble. My vehicle hanging from the ceiling. Many wounded, but none dead. I realized I was back in the dock.
"NIGGER HUNTER X!" Judge scolded as he slammed his gavel.
The car fell from the ceiling.
"OH shit!" I exclaimed, as I saw the car drive off.
The brick was still attached to the speed button thing that you press with your foot. You know the one. The courtroom watched in childlike innocence as the American made muscle car made its way out of court, and down the hall towards tranny court. The radio auto-played Van Morrison - They Own The Media.


Down the hall a father in an old timey brown suit pleaded with the tranny judge.
"Your Judgeship! Why can't the court see? They mutilated her! She doesn't want to be a boy. She just wanted to wear jeans! She isn't safe with her Mother. She's been taken in by some sort of woke cult! They want to wear the tranny children like handbags! It isn't right! This isn't sane!"
The tranny judge weakly tapped the gavel, and two tranny enforcement guards appeared, and grabbed the old timey brown suit father.
"Mr Whiteman, if we get one more outburst out from you, that's six months in the prison for you! Oh you better believe I have met many transphobes like you Mr Whiteman, well what if I told you, you were the person of questionable sanity. Maybe several years in one of those crazy people places. How does that sound?"
Mr Whiteman couldn't believe it. The crazies were not just running the asylum, they were running the legal systems. He could do nothing but watch as his wife held his daughter across the room.
"No! I want to go with dad! I want to be a girl!" she cried.
Just then the Big Jewish lawyer who specialized in this kind of Big Tranny pharmacy pipeline, approached the judge and said smiling while rubbing his hands "She's going to need hormones for the rest of her life...(hand rubbing intestifies) It's obvious she needs to stay with her mother. Her father is clearly unstable and a massive transphobe!"
There was a sudden loud knock on the tranny court door.
The Jews ears intensified as they detected a tingle of opportunity in the air. Maybe someone was lost, or had some money to be jewed or something.
The Big Jew Lawyer approached the tranny court door and said most Jewishly "Who is it?"
A revving on an engine responded, and the American made muscle car bust down the door and drove over the Big Jew Lawyer before driving straight into tranny court judge, mauling them both to death in a most bodacious way.


When I came to I was on a gurney being taken down a hallway. Bright fluorscent lights above stung my painfully sensitive eyes. I tried to move, but I was strapped in tight. I tried to scream, but my mouth was gagged. What was this? Where was I?

Last thing I remember my American made muscle car drove off, and then I went on a glorious proclamation about how "the savage man just needed to trust the White man. It is the Jew who teaches the savage man that everything bad is the White man's fault. We brought the savage man technology and lifted the savage man out of poverty, we even gave Indian's toilets, a miraculous invention they still haven't fully come to grips with. We gave the savage man computers, television, electricity, and so many other good things. We always had the savage man's best interests at heart, but those pesky Jews had to ruin it for everyone. They don't want peace. They want destruction and end times to complete their Jew prophecy and bring God down to make everything perfect."
I think that's when the Jews tried to stop me from having my say in court. That's when I began to bite them, my body much too weak to effectively move since punching the courthouse at over 300kmph with such righteous White might. I knocked a few of them out before falling to a Jew dart. Those sneaky Jews.

I was thrown into a cell and had the bite gag removed from my mouth. They had put me in one of those straight jackets. I immediately recognized this place from the smell of piss and vomit. It was the crazy people person place where they kept the crazy people of society. Those bastards! Or did I plan to end up here as part of a super secret plan? Who knew anymore. Reality began to fudge. This is how GloboHomo got you. They created conflicting narratives that could not be resolved, and yet were expected to all follow. Even if you were on to them, even if you knew about them, you would still be infected by their ideas, and ways of thinking, which would slowly start to break your concept of reality. This is what they wanted. THEY WANTED ME TO THINK THAT I WAS THE CRAZY ONE!!!!
But I was not the crazy one. I was just American Nigger Hunter X, an ordinary father and husband, engaged in a holy war against the Judeo-GloboHomo.
"THe Holocaust Is FAKe!" I shouted at the padded walls.
They wouldn't beat me. My resolve was so strong.
I shit myself and passed out for the night due to extreme exertion from punching the courthouse so hard it exploded.

I was barely conscious but I could hear someone speaking from the vents. It sounded like my old undercover buddy Chicom Chang.
"Dan't warry Mista American Nigga Hanta X. The pran is stir in motion"
Chicom Chang was so cool. He was Chinese Communist military spec ops. China had it's own special anti-GloboHomo ops. We saved each others butts so many times.
He would be climbing through them vents, and sneaky past guards all over the place. So cool. So cool. I was mad jealous, and just in a straight jacket. But maybe that was my speciality. A trap card waiting to be played. I vaguely remember some last minute plan concocted about pleading guilty and going undercover to the crazy house, but also remember consuming many drugs on the night before the court. I had the vaguest recognition of the whisper of a memory of a bottle of San Pedro extract in one hand, and a bottle of Viagra essence in the other and thinking "WOoooooooops!"
Had I mega dosed on Mescaline by accident? Was life a dream? Did I crash into the courthouse? Had I gone mad?
"Shee you rater!" Chicom Chang said before scurrying off down the vents.
I recognized that scurry like the back of my hand. This couldn't be a dream. I was on an important mission. It was time to stop GloboHomo.
"I'm going to stop you GloboHomo you can't hold me! I am holding you!" I shouted incoherently while shitting myself and passing out.
Pooping myself was all part of the plan. You wouldn't believe it.


I had a vision. Jesus Christ came to me. We were sat around a marble table, and a glistening bright light which came from as if within a vortex between two marble archaic columns illuminated the scene. The dining area was perched on a hilltop surrounded by beautiful nature of otherworldly qualities.
I looked at the table and saw my favorite. McBurgers!
Jesus placed his hand on my cheek "Look American Nigger Hunter X, this is serious. The fate of the world is in your hands, but also in the hands of every other Christian out there, and also in the hands of Muslim brothers who we must show the light of civilization to. We must unite to defeat the eternal Jew once and for all.
I looked Jesus Christ in the eye as he moved his lips to mine.
"And how do we defeat the Jew?"
"Forgive them for they know not what they do" I said almost coming from the non-gay but totally Godly orgasmic power of Jesus Christ.
"And how can you forgive them if you not know what they do?" Jesus said as he kissed me on the cheek before disappearing.
Of course! I was on a recon mission. So super secret, but I accidentally took a fat load of mescaline and forgot reality. So simple.


Many hours later I saw him.
"Detective Blackman! It's you!"
"Took you long enough"
Detective Blackman was wearing a wall outfit. As he stood against the wall he became invisible.
"They think I'm crazy" I said trying to emote but the straight jacket held me down.
"That's the plan..." Detective Blackman coolly responded before saying "So do they believe you're crazy?"
"Well I'm already covered in shit and piss? So probably."
"Okay, I got to go now, but remember, this is the big one. Big Jew is going down if this operation succeeds. We'll have them by the balls" Detective Blackman said before stepping back against the wall and perfectly blending in.
"Hey Detective Blackman, what's your middle name?" I made small talk.
No one responded... I struggled to find Detective Blackman amongst the wall. He was well hidden and unwilling to break radio silence.


When I came to my face was stuck to the ground by my dried vomit. My dick was very sticky. I must have came many times when passed out. Suddenly it all came back to me.

To Be Continued...

Chapter 1 Killing Pride
Chapter 2 Save the Jew Save the World
Chapter 3 Faker Than the Holocaust
Chapter 4 Planet of the Niggers
Chapter 5 Twelve Angry Jews