Find life in a glass bottle.

in OCD4 years ago (edited)

Hello everyone viewers ... !!!
I hope to find happiness wherever you are. I really love you all.

On this occasion I would like to share whatever writings and photos I know and whatever I find in my life journey. A habit that I found around the area where I live.

A few days ago I found a glass bottle. The bottle looks really dirty because it's been around a long time on the ground. I tried to get a closer look because I was curious about the green shadow from inside the bottle.

I tried cleaning this glass bottle with water. At first I thought the glass was mossy, it turns out that in a bottle, a kind of fern grows. Fern plants that grow very fertile in the bottle.



This is a very extraordinary life in my opinion, how these fern plants grow in bottles that are almost covered with soil, out of reach of sunlight. It's just that in the bottle there is a little muddy soil. Which of course no one took care of him.


After I cleaned this bottle, I put it on the flower rack. This looks very unique and it's just not allowed to put in direct sunlight. Because it looks like this fern can not survive under direct sunlight.



I took several pictures using the Xiaomi Redmi Note 6 Pro cellphone camera.

Thank you for your visit and support for my post. May your days be full of happiness.

Follow me @rizasukma

Halo semua pemirsa ... !!!
Saya berharap menemukan kebahagiaan di mana pun Anda berada. Saya sangat mencintai kalian semua.

Pada kesempatan ini saya ingin berbagi tulisan dan foto apa pun yang saya tahu dan apa pun yang saya temukan dalam perjalanan hidup saya. Kebiasaan yang saya temukan di sekitar area tempat saya tinggal.

Beberapa hari yang lalu saya menemukan botol kaca. Botolnya terlihat sangat kotor karena sudah ada sejak lama di tanah. Saya mencoba untuk melihat lebih dekat karena saya ingin tahu tentang bayangan hijau dari dalam botol.

Saya mencoba membersihkan botol kaca ini dengan air. Awalnya saya pikir gelas itu berlumut, ternyata dalam botol, sejenis pakis tumbuh. Tanaman pakis yang tumbuh sangat subur di dalam botol.

Ini adalah kehidupan yang sangat luar biasa menurut saya, bagaimana tanaman pakis ini tumbuh dalam botol yang hampir tertutup tanah, jauh dari jangkauan sinar matahari. Hanya saja di dalam botol ada sedikit tanah berlumpur. Yang tentu saja tidak ada yang merawatnya.

Setelah saya membersihkan botol ini, saya menaruhnya di rak bunga. Ini terlihat sangat unik dan tidak diizinkan untuk langsung terkena sinar matahari. Karena sepertinya pakis ini tidak dapat bertahan hidup di bawah sinar matahari langsung.

Saya mengambil beberapa gambar menggunakan kamera ponsel Xiaomi Redmi Note 6 Pro.

Terima kasih atas kunjungan Anda dan dukungan untuk posting saya. Semoga hari-harimu penuh dengan kebahagiaan.



I really liked your post, I love things that have to do with nature, just bautiful, greetings.

thanks. I feel very happy if you like it. I want to always post whatever I know and what I find. I always hope people will be happy when they see my posts. I have to admit, sometimes I'm constrained by language. I have to translate every vocabulary I write. But I still try as much as possible so that I can understand what I'm saying. Thank you again😘💕

ini post yang sangat bagus sobat,juga sangat menarik untuk kita baca.

Terima kasih banyak sobat sudah hadir di postingan saya.

sama-sama sobat !!!!

It's actually so beautiful

Yes, I feel that way too. This is something very beautiful. Thank you for visiting my post.

This is spectacular!! Very cool idea! Very creative!

This is something I accidentally discovered and I really like to share. Thank you for visiting @desrtmtnfoster

This post reminded me of some Science experiences at school, haha!

I am happy if this post has made you remember the school days back. Surely time makes us happier. Thank you for being present in my post.😃😃

This looks so cool! It would look like that kind of bottle you would find in the sea, with a hidden message. Or in a pirate ship. Hahha. Thanks for sharing!

Haha .. I am very happy to read comments from you. Remember the pirate movie. Thank you for being present in my post.


You've done a great job by giving a better life to the bottled plant.

Hehehe ... Thank you for being present in my post.