
He fact that I bought Bitcoin at 9.1k and seeing the difference in price today makes me want to get suicidal a bit. It's totally crazy. Like you said no Lamborghinis this year all cheers to Corona

@tipu curate

I taught that halving is in two months. Early halving, hehe.

Stick to your gun - hodl, hodl, hodl.

I am pretty lucky that it is a relatively small amount of money that I have invested in cryptos. My traditional portfolio on the other hand... Oye. I have no doubt things will recover, but sitting here looking at all the red, it is easy to be pretty depressed.

As soon as I saw the price tank I picked up some more. I also threw some spare cash at some pharma stocks too. Just in case you know... I have never owned enough to even consider selling. I would need BTC to hit 100k or higher before I got to that point. Maybe one day, Illuminati willing.

I'm just buying More!!!...:)...

the folks in crypto generally are "woke" enough to recognize such rackets

yeah right...

lolol ^ this ^ - rarely have I seen such a large a group of naive people in one place.

Is there a word for a 'group of naive's?'lol