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RE: My First Relationship

in OCDlast year

She's like the kind of girl who will get close to every man and when they have no use anymore, she will just dump them like a hot potato. And instead of saying it directly, she will just show with the new guy and it's up to you if you will get it that "We're done, so forget about me and back off." Like seriously 🙄. I actually feel relieved you didn't end up with her. I still like the Filipina girl you mentioned before than Danshit, ahaha.


Danshit, hehe. What I didn't mention is people warned me of her but it was too late I was already with her. Almost got into some fist fights with other guys, oh she was so not worth it She totally wasn't my type. Without her though I wouldn't be who I am today though.

Oh the Pinay 😁 hehe. She was like 3 relationships later.