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RE: Hitting and missing life milestones

in OCD3 years ago

I remember a same-age friend coming over some years back and despite doing really well in their career and having been in a stable relationship for several years, they still managed to look at my kids and my house with some envy and feel like they were failing at life because they hadn't gotten there yet. Even my pointing out my lack of career and the fact kids shouldn't be a checkbox (have them if you want them, don't if you don't) didn't really help XD

So yeh not sure how "got it together" the people who have it together really are sometimes :D


Maybe it is that we are generally never happy with what we have, as there are just far too many options available. Ignorance is bliss, because it means that one doesn't know alternatives - once there are alternatives, there is resource scarcity.

ADHD helps in that situation XD Or at least helps me, yes I see you other options, yeh some even look cool, but I'm interested in what I'm doing and don't feel the need to branch out XD

or conversely I try some things and don't like it and drop it without an iota of regret over the time investment because nothing is a waste of time if you got something out of it even if it is the knowledge that you're not really interested in that thing