Repairing Acer Laptops

in OCD4 years ago (edited)

Hello everyone. How are you today? I hope you are fine. Today I would like to share a little of my experience in the field of laptop and computer services. I have expertise in the field of laptop and computer services, I first learned while still in school at the Vocational High School majoring in Computer & Network Engineering. That's when I started to study about the world of computers so that today. As time went by, I continued to develop myself by learning and studying the errors in laptops and computers so that I could easily fix them.


A few days ago I repaired an Acer laptop with students (alumni of the school), at that time he called me and said that his laptop had a keyboard failure, I told him that I would see whether it was stuck or not. After that, the laptop was brought home and I checked the damage to the Acer laptop at home. I called him back saying that we should replace the laptop keyboard. Then I told him that we ordered the keyboard online only through Shoppe and we also ordered and sent the keyboard fee. After finishing ordering the keyboard we have to wait until the keyboard is more or less 3 days.

After the laptop keyboard arrived at home, that night I immediately paired it on the Acer laptop. I set some parts on the Acer laptop. Finally, it was over and I gave my friend's laptop back. Laptops can be reused easily and without keyboard jams. I myself feel happy because the existing knowledge can help me in repairing other people's laptops and computers.

Acer laptops are one of the most commonly used laptop brands and to replace the hardware is also very easy to find in computer stores.