in OCD4 years ago

Hallo Hivers Friends..
This time I will share a few pictures of spider skin that I found a few days ago on the back of my house.
He looks like he's alive again

The first time I found it hanging under a banana leaf, I thought it was dead and dried up maybe because the body fluids were being sucked up by females, but after I searched Google there I realized that spiders could change their skin.
This is truly a rare moment for me, never thought before that a spider can shed its skin.
All photos taken using the Smartphone Xiaomi Redmi Note 7 with an additional macro lens.

I hope you like my photography results, don't forget to vote, comment, reblog, and follow my account @sariarizka to see my other photography works.

Thank You Very Much


Spiders are scary, but we need them :)

Yes, it looks very scary, but this is only the skin, if it's life maybe I don't dare approach it.
Thanks @activeblog

huuuuu Nice shot

Thank you very much :)