
in OCD4 years ago

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The wisdom behind all three philosophers Aristotle, Plato and Socrates is that knowledge lies in humility, Socrates came up with the philosophy that is termed today as epistemic humility. The theory relates that a human is termed as knowledgeable when he accepts his limits to knowledge. This means that if a carpenter says he has unlimited knowledge of wood then he is not wise, but instead if he says that he has sufficient knowledge of wood and crafting that is in his locality and is open to suggestions to further enhance his knowledge then he will be called a wise man. The individuals excelling in their particular fields have definitive knowledge and can pass on that to other human beings spreading the knowledge in an ethical way. Plato based his theories around the functioning of the human mind, terming the human soul as a separate entity within the human body. He embodied that the human soul is trapped with worldly desires of an individual and their longing for truth or personal struggle will lead them to the transcendent world which is called the ultimate Truth. Letting goof worldly desires will certainly lead man-kind to their ultimate goal in seeking knowledge that is what Plato taught in his philosophy. Aristotle expressed that humans have a tendency to and natural desire to know and understand the Truth, they also have the capacity to learn and spread knowledge. The human race can evolve their moral and ethical ideals into the real world by taking proper stances and action to make it a possibility in reality. All three philosophers have pointed out that ethics have a major part in all aspects of life including politics. We need to keep both politics and ethics simultaneously if humans expect to evolve as a society.

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