Devotion #4: Everything Is A Blessing

in OCD4 years ago (edited)

Dear Hivers,

Take any person you want. Then map out their entire life on a piece of paper. From birth to death. What can you see?

You can see a series of events, isn't it?

As you think about it, life is nothing but a series of events. It is important to take a step back and revisit these events. Because these events move us — change us — and impact us in unimaginable ways.

One of the event destroyed Jordan Belfort. If you didn't know, his company manipulated stocks, and so he pleaded guilty of his crimes. He was pushed to courts. Millions of dollars were lost.

Not only did Jordan (now known as the Wolf of Wallstreet) lose his life and family but also served 22 months of jailtime.


That was 20 years ago.

Now things have changed. Today, Jordan has moved away from selling penny stocks and entered sales training for companies. It is a classic story of bouncing back.

In fact, Mr. Belfort is now worth $100 million.

The point is:


They can make us or break us. Teach us. Or destroy us.

If you think about it, we constantly fall into events that are either good or bad for us. Good events fuel us while bad ones pull us back.

The trick, however, is to pay attention to these events.

You can experience the importance of this through the Vietnam war. During this war, some of the US soldiers were caged in a room. They lived a dark life for years with no sunlight.

Once everything was over, most soldiers never recovered. Even after a decade, they were reliving the same event. Those bad events were running in their head.

One soldier, however, was pursuing his dreams. He saw life differently. And he started his first entrepreneurial business despite his dark days. It is an interesting story because the situation was the same. Location was the same.

Yet how can one think differently?


Moment we start seeing the "good" side of every event, we emerge victorious. Take Jordan Belfort. Or the entrepreneurial soldier.

They knew every event you encounter can be dealt with. They knew whatever that gets on your nerves can be flipped into a blessing.

And so, knowing this fact, the least we could do during bad events is as follows:

1. Make peace with it

You can write down every problem you have. From subtle frustrations to massive problems that you are dealing with. Create a list. Mark them as bad events. And make peace with it.

Remember these events are part of life. You can't ignore them. And you can't live with them forever.

2. Accept everything as a blessing

This is not tricking your brain into thinking and feeling good. It is to actually see the good in everything that happens to you.

  • Lost money? It's a blessing as you can start a new way to make money.
  • Lost business? It's a blessing as you can start a completely new business.
  • Lost something important? It's a blessing as you can find yourself.

Looking at life from a new lens is important.

Because what is gone is gone. You won't get it back anyway, so you might as well stay strong and act now to change your mindset by looking at everything differently. From the lens of blessings. And when you do, you begin to notice new changes in your life.

You begin to attract something new. Only when you believe everything is a blessing.


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More From Devotion Series:

  1. Introduction
  2. Why Growth Is Life
  3. Feed Your Mind The Right Food
  4. You are born to create

Enjoyed reading this post quite a lot.

But as I am already too much motivated now, I will come back to this and read again so that I find motivation for tomorrow.

Thanks a lot for sharing good content here.

Life is a blessing my friend...if it is not, we are going to make it.

Haha! Glad to know. Thank you for the support.