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RE: 3 Years Old - A Flashback to the Past

in OCD3 years ago

Charles Charles Charles, I sorta remember him. I think he engaged a bit with others in the comments.

You left a comment, and his response would be, 'I agree', or 'Yes, I think so too' or 'Totally agree'. If I didn't know better, I might have guessed his comments were automated in a string array with a loop hehe...

..then every now and again he would drop me a vote on my post. Those early memories of birth are vivid!


I love historical posts as there is so much that happened there to chew over. I depsise the bid bots. When I wrote a post about them being bad once I had several quite personal attacks in discord from either their owners or flunkies of their owners. Back then when they were starting out they were quick to stamp on any dissenting voices. Absolute twats.

I think old Charles actually commented on my Uncle Boom posts, unbidden! I am sure it was him. He always seemed tickled by the Gentleman part of it all. It's funny how when the bots disappeared on hive so many people did too.

I was quite tempted to reply to your reply with I agree - LOL!


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'I Agree'.. hehe..., remember this? That Bidbottophant still cracks me up! @katharsisdrill needs to do something that is pertinent to our times. It was all so full of drama then, now it's boring in comparison.



Hahahha, the bidbotiphant!!! Oh that made them angry!!! It was so good though. It really ruffled feathers!

I am glad we don't have to have the same old arguments with the same old people about it being bad.

I was quite surprised by the whole jrcornel business, more so that he just thought fuck this and is powering down and offski!