Fruit Picking

in OCD4 years ago

Hello friends,

Here today with another fun and lovely adventure at the farms. Where would we be without our farms?!


One of the great things about our area is it’s filled with lots of wonderful farms! This one is a new one for us this year but it’s got some pretty great selections that others don’t. The most interesting being grapes!
We aren’t the biggest fans of grapes with kids since we don’t want him choking and dying as we’ve seen, given that grapes are the perfect shape for the poor little ones throats but as he’s getting older we want to expose him to as many foods as we can. He wasn’t the biggest fan of these grapes though so thankfully we only sampled a couple instead of spent the day picking them like we were thinking of doing.


Hubby’s favorite, Concord grapes! It was nice to see the varieties they had.


We couldn’t forget the house staple of ours: the McIntosh Apple! There were lots of different kinds on this farm but we sampled some and weren’t too thrilled about them so we grabbed a bag of these delicious Mac’s. It’s nice getting out to the farm to let the kids pick them and learn about the trees, the seasons and the different kinds of things that can be seen. We saw a massive rabbit hole in the ground so it was cool to show him that they live in there, at least we think they do lol.


When we got to the farm we realized they were still picking raspberries! We definitely love some fresh frozen raspberries for making various goodies like muffins, tarts and stuff so we snagged a bunch of them, it was very nice.


The two boys are in that tangle of raspberry bushes somewhere lol hubby was showing the little one that in order to see the best ones you have to lie down on the ground and look up. Had a lot of laughs and exclamations on finding the best ones, was fun to listen to it.


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Stay well friends! We can do a lot when we keep a positive mindset and not let fear and negativity creep in.

Ssiena [A Hive original and exclusive]