in OCD3 years ago

The background is gotten from here

The day had been a hectic one because I had classes from 9am to 3pm. But due to the fact that I set a tutorial class for some first year students by 4pm that same day and assigned myself to teach, I could not go back to my hostel yet. So, I went to the proposed venue to prepare for the upcoming class. Looking forward to my students showing up, I revised the topic I was going to teach, rechecked my notes and writing materials. This was to ensure adequate readiness to take the class and fire on when they finally arrived. I still remember the topic I was to teach that day, it was Partial Fractions in a Mathematics course.

4 pm came and there was nobody yet. But, I could understand at least to some extent, maybe they had another academic engagement so I thought it wise to give them 15-20 minutes extra for them to arrive.
4:20pm ......4:30pm. ....5pm sharp.

I was almost dozing off on the chair I was sitting at the front of the class because, frankly, I was tired. I quickly checked behind me and yet, I saw no one. I rechecked the time again. An hour gone, my enthusiasm went down by half, I guess. I took out one of my course notes to read, at least to make use of the time. At 6 pm, Alas! It dawned on me that NO ONE CAME!. And the class was meant to run for 2 hours.

This scenario paints almost the same picture in each of our (personal) lives. At some point, there would always be a moment of dryness - not the literal dryness. In other words, it could mean states when you feel alone and not worthy of yourself. This explains how I felt that day, honestly. When you have a bunch of beautifully laid down plans falling through, you might think there is a force the whole universe is using against you - just you.

But really, I believe these moments are bound to happen if not for anything but at least to do checks and balances on you - or your plans. They are the times that ask you the question of whether you are really ready to persevere for your aims to come to pass. And to see whether you are truly worthy of being that man of prowess in the field your plans are scheduled towards. However, I must say, it's a good thing for these things to happen because they help to checkmate both you and your motives for treading the path you are currently on.
This whole thing ultimately boils down to PURPOSE.



According to Merriam-webster, purpose is the reason why something is done or used. Although at times purpose means much more than that, it could mean what divine incorporates for your life's presence on planet Earth. But we are not going far yet today! By the way, basically, purpose, reason, premise, aim, etc. can be used interchangeably.

One of my mentors says, "For everything you do, let there be a solid reason behind it".Your aim for engaging on a certain journey needs to be clearly defined before you set a foot out. They say, "The journey of a thousand miles begins with a first step". I say to you, before taking that "first step", I repeat, your aim has to be clearly defined. This is because when the raging storms such as my little story above, your concrete reason will be a solid wall for you to lean on and give yourself assurance on why you should still go ahead and secure the victory on that journey.

Checks and Balance

What if I told you that the next day, I taught the class without any issue and with more than half of the students in attendance. I was able to do this due to my love for teaching. I love and can teach almost anything I know because when I want to know things I do so with utmost dedication.

So, NO ONE CAME is here to charge you for the greater good. Do not relent in your endeavours. If you realize, after reading this, that you may have a shaky purpose then I will advise you to stop right there! And take a step back into your closet, re-evaluate your plans all over and build your purpose strongly on it.



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Beautiful piece my dear friend🤗

I love the way you connected with the readers throughout your write-up. Awesome improvement boss

Yeah, of a truth, sometimes it can feel like things ain't just working out and life is just too hard to make meaning of, it can be because of lack or unforeseen circumstances but the sweet part is knowing that there is light shining so bright at the end of the tunnel and each experience is meant to sharpen us and make us stronger.

Nice points you listed too. I really enjoyed reading through.

Much love man😍

...the light at the end of the tunnel... Thats the driving force. Thanks for the nice comments, sire @chosenfingers

Awesome piece brother! Got inspired.

A solid reason to begin a journey is very important or else, the purpose of the journey is lost and there is a bound to lose the sense of direction during the course.

Exactly!! A solid/concrete reason needs to be defined before any step. The need for it cannot be overemphasized.
I appreciate your added advice here. @starstrings01