in OCD β€’ 2 years ago

Today I celebrate the birth of one of my closest friend daughter.

Her mum is one of the best gift university gave to me. A very humble, straight forward and accommodating being I have seen.

To me, I would say her mother is a friend and more.

And I must appreciate her for birthing us such a beautiful, smart, lively and vibrant daughter. And also naming her after me.

Happy birthday 🎊 my little angel πŸ˜‡ may Heaven's light shine on your path and set your path straight. May your days be long on earth darling. Live long and prosper sweetie 😍

The picture is one of her shot I took when I went to pay her a visit, which also makes it mine.

Thank you πŸ€—

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Happy birthday to her

Thanks πŸ™

Hello @temmylade. Happy birthday to your daughter and may all her dreams come true.

For future reference, we have two communities you can use for this type of topics. One is Family & Friends the other is Hive Celebration. Check them out and join :)

Wow, never knew those 2 groups exist.

Thanks so much for the insight, will check them out πŸ‘