The long, lonely walk to the middle of nowhere!

in OCD4 years ago


It's becoming quite apparent that, although I'm happy enough with my own company, 1/2pint is suffering with out the interaction of other children his own age. Now, although mrsW and myself try and keep him entertained, he's missing his friends and we can tell that he has the feeling of being the "odd one out" in a house full of grown-ups.

These past few days, we've probably covered more miles that we have all year. He really does seem to enjoy these times out and about, and he also really enjoys our little talks. So far we've covered "fractional reserve banking", "fiat currency is NOT money", "could I beat up a wolf", "why is the sky blue" and "why does mummy's poo smell worse than daddy's"......

OK, we didn't really talk about why the sky is blue!


We've covered a lot of ground and discovered some of the old unexplored bridges left behind from the old railway line that was decommissioned some 50yrs ago.

I half expect to find some rotten corpse that's been lying there for some 20+yrs. So far no bodies, but we will be back out again today for another walk and hopefully this time....


There is a squirrel in there somewhere, and 1/2pint has enjoyed learning about all the animals and creepy-Crawleys we have on out doorstep. Not only has he been helping in the garden and learning the basics of vegetable growing, he's now developed a keen senses for the natural world around him and I'm so happy that I'm able to share some of the knowledge I've picked up over a lifetime of playing in the woods and fields.

Who knows what adventures we will get in today, I just hope that this all blows over soon, so he can get back to being a child and doing childish things with his friends.


is this in china ?, the same problem here too 🙁, most of the streets are empty, although in Libya we have only three people sick and no one died, but most of the people are afraid,roamers are spreading as we still watch the strongest countries on the world struggling with this virus, I hope everything be okay very soon .

Hello @khalifandro. I hope you stay safe and are all OK?

In live in the UK (Wales), and we have been on LOCKDOWN for a while. Although there are some disruptions - no shops open, and people MUST stay away from other people, it's still very quiet here as we are all waiting to see what happens next.

Bloody hell you really are in the middle of nowhere, look like 100 miles past where Jesus lost a candle and could you beat a wolf?

We established that in the event of a surprise atta k the wolf might have the upper hand, but if I had my axe and gunbwith me 1/2pint reckons I'd take him in a fight.

Awesome tunnel

It's why I'm with her! Oh you don't mean the Mrs?? Yeah that stone one is OK I suppose hahahah

Lol.. 🤣😂😁🤪


My friend, a few questions out of context about @silvergoldstackers:
As we are on both steemit and hive and the month is ending, should we send steem and hive to @ssg-community?
The same quantity to each one?
Would @ssg-community rather receive delegations or crypto?

That path and tunnel look like some Stephen King shit bro, RUUUUUUUUUUUN!!