Smile of life

in OCD4 years ago



Good morning ...HIVE LOVERS
Have a nice weekend.
But not with me, Sometimes I feel tired to search, in a space that is now obsolete with happiness that is increasingly lost. I who have been helpless and cannot do anything with poverty without all the possessions. There is no one here now. However, it's all for me to get used to making friends with loneliness. The whisper in my head always echoes to always fight for a more reigned life, until I close my eyes.


But sometimes I ask myself, what are you struggling to use. Because if life is only temporary, then for what you shed tears, do not we have the creator. Look at those who only have a little treasure, but continue to rise. With all the shortcomings without feeling sick. So smile for a life, so everything about life feels good.

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Lhokseumawe, Mei/9/2020

@wira8788 By;



Kok wahhnh gitu pak

Gak tau mau nulis apa gitu

Nulis aja tentang ramadhan pak

Kan udah