
Haha, thank you so much and glad you like the gifs! They are a wonderful thing, I've had to learn the hard way as I was "out-giffed" in many conversations so had to up my game 😂

Your username is pretty badass as well! I saw you share a post from the @arsenal4life page... are you a gooner too?? 😃

I'm a gooner by association

Hahaha lucky you... I think! We have had season tickets for about 20 years... it's been tough supporting them the last 7 years or so! Hope Mikel can turn things around!

Funny, Nigerians think Mikel is shit but we proud of him repping the country still.

Haha, no way! Why do they think that? He can't be any worse than Emeri... I think the players he inherited are just dead wood and need to be shipped out

Emery had it rough man. I still feel for the guy because despite being shyte at managing Arsenal in our difficult period, he seemed like a pretty nice guy

Yeah it's always difficult to follow in the wake of a legend like Wenger - sure it wasn't so good the last few seasons but he revolutionised the game and oversaw the move to the Emirates, Invincibles, which is still not repeated - unlucky Liverpool!

Thing is, Emery did have a good run, think there were 22 games undefeated in all comps at one stage and got to the final of the Europa league... dunno, the dressing room didn't seem right though and I'd say there wasn't really a strategy with the formation, team tweaks and again, deadwood players..