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RE: 3-ingredient homemade ice-cream w/ NO MACHINE

in OCD • 4 years ago

Yum! 🤤 I've definitely got to try making my own ice cream from scratch! (Especially since I have a pretty big can of condensed milk in the fridge and have no idea what to do with it! xD)


Thank you for posting this delicious ice cream recipe in the OCD Community!

We're currently aiming to direct posting traffic into different niche communities to help them grow aswell as get a better community trending page for our readers (read more about this in our recent announcement post).

Thus, we would prefer it if you could post your future food posts in either the Foodies Bee Hive Community. You are welcome to cross-post your posts from that community into the OCD Community with the feature to get more visibility and engagement from both communities subscribers. (Double-exposure! How sweet is that?)

For a list of all of the communities we’re curating right now please check the recent ocd community incubation post.

Thanks again,
- @xves
OCD Incubation Moderator


Ah that makes sense. Will do that next time :)