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RE: A little push

in OCD4 years ago


Title post as per example - ENGAGE ON HIVE: your title.

I have spotted a fault in this post, and thus it must be disqualified! You didn't follow the title format (even though I know that this isn't one of the entry posts)... Shame! Jokes aside 😆, I love to see more initiatives like this, and once again, best wishes to all. In the meantime, to the dungeons!


Imaging me applying a smack with an open palm and saying, bad Zack, bad. Clearly, I would use the correct title if I was entering, but I think it would look a little funny me entering my own contest don't you think?

I had prepared a response for this sort of reply, but I forgot what it was. In that case, I shall accept that slap with an open face. To add to that, I shall slap myself too. To the dungeon, I go...

Lol, I almost sent that one.

You punishment is over...Have a...

This is going to be a punishment for which the likes of Grouchy has suffered, has it? I mean, I do like Oreos.

I saw deep fried Oreo's today. Dipped in a donut batter and deep fried. Seems legit. Want some.

That sounds like a good recipe for diabetes and high cholesterol. But life's worth nothing if you don't take risks, and I do want a deep-fried Oreo now.

I didn't buy any...Wanted to though. Maybe some mind find their way into my gob (mouth) at some stage.