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RE: G-dog gets hive mail

in OCD4 years ago

Haha, imagine if this is the way we dealt with tyrants in the real world. Oh, murdered a few protestors... Naughty Corner. Burnt an entire rebel village... Naughty Corner. Executed political opponents... Naughty Corner. Honestly though, I think Hitler's going to get used to the naughty corner treatment quite a lot, without Schnapps this time.


Naughty corner punishment is the most effective punishment known to mankind. 😂

Haha, I know that from experience. Could've been a drug dealer or something of the sorts now otherwise 🤣

Haha...Or a politician.

You know, that might not be so bad. I mean, it's a very profitable business XD

Yeah...Organised crime...I mean politics.

Haha, true. If only you could see how much money politicians in Malaysia make. This is our former Prime Minister by the way... Lots of Oreos could be bought with this kind of money 😐

The government barred Najib Razak from leaving the country, and the police seized cash and valuable items amounting to between RM 900 million and RM 1.1 billion (US$220 million and US$269 million) from residential units linked to Najib and his wife Rosmah Mansor.

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