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RE: G-dog's weekend-engagement week eight: Who were you? [Win hive for your comment]

in OCD4 years ago

Never did the world ever think of weaponising cute lil' koala bears, but here comes the Aussies. The audacity is enough to scare the living shit of our enemies, that's for sure! These little bastards would probably even scare off an entire SAS unit. Who dares wins ⚔️


Well, you know, us Aussies are innovative...Did you know an Aussie invented WIFI? (Not the same guy that weaponised koalas though.)

We were going to weaponise the wombat but those fuckers were too slow. Koalas seemed the next logical choice.

Oh wow, Aussies really did invent WIFI. Thanks be to Australia for what. These wombats might not be effective as fighting units, but they could do well for insurrectionist and civilian suppression once we've won.

Lol...We could leave the wombats in the territories we capture and subdue to rule with an iron fist...Occupying overlords.

Geniuses really do think alike. Wombats are our new civil protection (subjugation) force. Divide, and conquer! They've even got their own mechanised unit, well-armoured on all sides.

😂 I think that wombat might be a bit confused...Unless he's tail end charlie, you know, the rear gunner. Or...Maybe he's just stupid.

It's all about protecting your rear-flank, since that's where the armour is the lightest in an armoured vehicle. Alternatively, he's trying to make sure no one tries to cap a 9mm up his arse... Which would be really, very unpleasant.