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RE: LIL: Pictures From the Shore for My May Gallery Contribution

The tides change, and with the changing tides the shore changes. The trees change. They can be bare, or in bloom. The birds that inhabit the beach change, both in species variety and in number present. There is nothing constant about nature, and this is most evident on the dynamic shore.

Sounds like a dream in principle, but I went to a beach town not too long ago and I can still remember the cacophony of seagulls. A horrible sound. A perpetual mocking tone from all directions.

If I had to pick a bird to dominate my town, it would be inland pigeons. Such a pleasant sound and funny face - wood pigeons are my favourite.

Awesome pics anyway, love the pastel houses!


I went to a beach town not too long ago and I can still remember the cacophony of seagulls.

Those were the garbage pickers, hanging around town. I didn't hear one gull while I was there. I've been there in winter, summer and spring. Different concentrations of gull population, but rarely the noisy gulls you describe. Mostly they just hunt for food. Constantly. If humans are eating, they'll come around begging.

I liked those houses too. Not typical for this area.