How Torum and Noise.Cash helped me to build relationships on Hive

in Project HOPE3 years ago

How Torum and Noise.Cash helped me to build relationships on hive.png

A little bit more than a month ago, I've started to use regularly two relatively new crypto platforms, torum and

I've been quite consistent on both platforms, sharing and interacting every day since I started. In this post I would like to share what is my take from these platforms.

Why did I start with these platforms in the first place?

If you are on hive, lbry, publish0x, twitter,... you probably ask yourself, why being active on even more platforms? This is obviously a good question. Every platform that you use takes its toll of energy and time.

I believe that new social media platforms have some inherent potential just because of the fact that they are new. People who join need members to follow to simply use the platform. If you are among the first ones to join, it will be much easier to get some followers than on established sites.

Another reason was that because of covid, I simply have a lot of time to kill at the moment :-).

What can I say after one month of using them?

Let's look at each platform separately:


What I like about Torum is the gamification aspect of the platform. You just do what you would be doing anyways and you get rewarded. I also like the fact that there is a place for short content and another place for long content.

I tend to write posts of both types quite regularly . I also engage with the comments on my content. This seems to be appreciated by the algorithm of the platform since it's sending me new followers on a daily basis.

In one month, I gained 2'236 followers on Torum!

What I like less about Torum is the quality of the interactions. People comment in order to complete their missions and this translates often into quite poor quality engagement. What could also be improved is the feed that you get. Sometimes I see the same article 3 times in a row because different people reposted it.

Financially speaking, I'm quite happy with the output. So far I've collected about 1760 XTM. At the moment the token can't be traded yet but they say it would be worth around 0.05$ each. This means that the value of what I have collected would be somewhere around 80$. What needs to be added is that a big part of this income has been generated through referral income.

I tried in a way as a preparation for project blank on Leo. Not being a big fan of twitter, I wanted to see whether short form messaging could be something for me. I have to say that I was positively surprised by this platform.

When I use twitter, I'm kind of lost. In contrast, has a very simple user interface and I can find the things I need easily. I see who interacts with me and can engage with the people I follow. I also like that you can use it on the phone without problem. So you can „noise around“ even on the way.

My objective is not to follow as many people as possible. I try to interact only with people that actually write meaningful content. After a month, I have 181 followers. Which I believe is not too bad.

In financial terms, I've earned 0.057 BCH thanks to the free tips that are distributed on the platform. This is close to 40 $.

On, there is also a lot of spam and especially if you go to the explore section, it will be difficult to find meaningful content. Discovery and a search function could improve the platform I believe.

How did these platforms help my content creation

When joining these platforms, the objective I had was to be able to increase my circle of influence in the crypto world and also to attract more readers to my posts on hive.

The funny thing is that the relationships that I built on these platforms were mainly with people who were on Hive already. In a way, thanks to these platforms, I managed to connect with other hivians and it has helped my content creation quite a lot. I'm getting more comments on my posts and I also discovered very interesting authors I didn't know before.

If I have to sum up my experience, I believe that it was definitively a win and I really enjoy the new relationships that it allowed me to create.

Let's connect ! You can find me on these platforms:


Happy to be connected with you thanks to Noise 😌

The funny thing is that the relationships that I built on these platforms were mainly with people who were on Hive already.

I think it's related to micro blogging and the easy of communication with few words. For Hivers, #ProjectBlank will be more useful to find good content creators while engaging through micro blogging service :)

 3 years ago  

Happy to be connected with you thanks to Noise

I'm very thankful to noise for the nice people I managed to meet :-).

Projectblank will be a huge addon to the ecosystem. There is a real need for that. As you said it will allow to know each other better and to engage in a more organic way I believe.


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I really should get on those platforms and earn some crypto, but haven't gone around to it. I think I have mainly just played around in the LeoMarketTalk thread as practice for the new microblogging. Though it wouldn't hurt to play around and earn a little bit here and there.

 3 years ago  

In the end it's mainly a matter of time. Each of these platforms are quite time consuming and we need to find out how much we can manage. I believe it's better to be very active in few places rather than being a little bit active in many places ;-)


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I am using Torum and too, this 2 platforms are amazing, althoug i need more TRX to unlock my wallet in torum

 3 years ago  

It takes time to get there but if you are consistent, you will reach it :-)


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Building community or connection as it's called in the "real-world" is so important for basically anything.
Do you also set goals on number of followers on the different platforms or ?

 3 years ago  

For the moment I haven't set any goals because I prefer quality over quanitity. I prefer to build a relationship with 10 people whom I find interesting rather than have 100 followers who post "wow" on my posts lol.


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Congrats you were upvoted from this account because you were in Top 25 engagers yesterday on CTPTalk .
You made a total of 10 comments and talked to 10 different authors .
For more details about this project please read here - link to announcement post
You can also delegate and get weekly payouts.

I think I once registered in but I'm not sure I can remember my details. I think I'll go through my records and see what I can find.
I will like to get serious with and hopefully connect with friends. Many blockchain social media platforms are now coming up and it will be worthwhile to engage and explore them.
Thanks for sharing buddy

 3 years ago  

I really believe that it can be helpful to connect on There are plenty of people from several blockchains active there.


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I also really like Torum. I think they will go far!


 3 years ago  

Thanks for stopping by!


Cool beans :) and thanks for the Beer!

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I'm happy we connected through, this site has been all kinds of awesome for me!
Almost missed your post though, is there a reason you skipped the LeoFinance tag? Would have fit perfectly with Leo I think (and I usually curate through their front-end so I tend to miss posts without the tag ;-))

 3 years ago  

Thanks to, I've been able to get in touch with great people and my journey on hive has become even more interesting :-).

is there a reason you skipped the LeoFinance tag

Thanks a lot for asking. In one of my last posts about not knowing what to write about, I got a feed-back that such content wasn't appropriate for Leo. So for this post I hesitated and in the end I didn't add the leo tag. I try not to offend people and sometimes the limits are not that clear :-).

I appreciate that you found the post all the same :-)


Mhh, I looked it up, don't know the guy but he seemed to be the only person who felt like that.
I've made an article with a similar topic a while ago, used LeoFinance, and nobody seemed to care. To tell the truth, I had several articles that where a lot less about financial topics than what you did there and nobody cared either.
Don't let that kind of stuff get to you, in my opinion both this and the other article fit perfectly with LeoFinance...

 3 years ago  

Thanks a lot for your reply. I really love to write in the Leo community because the interaction is simply amazing. I tend to use Leofinance and CTP tags in all my posts simply because it opens a whole world of interaction. Sometimes I forget to think whether the topic is appropriate for a certain tag. I can understand the point this guy has but things are maybe not always black or white :-)

I'd say they are almost never ;-) I could spin an article about my grandma baking Frankfurter Kranz to have some financial relevance...
Jokes aside, I agree on both tags, engagement is a lot higher for those communities and I also use both tags every article I write.

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I heard a lot of great stuff about both platforms... Totally agree with you about early adopters and the advantage of being one of the first users on the new platform... I have done that on LBRY and it pays back very nice...

The only problem is time... If we have just 7-8h more every day to dive into all these new things... :) Congratulate for having time for all, but I have to skip some... I'm glad that it gives you good results!

 3 years ago  

In normal times I would probably not find the time to do so. Since my offline job is kind of missing at the moment, it frees some time for me :-)


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I really need to be more diligent in using both of these platforms. I have accounts for both, but only use sparingly and Torum not much at all. Sometimes I feel like I am spinning so many plates that I miss some and they fall by the wayside. I am working on putting together I better way of tracking my activity, but I haven't perfected it yet. Hopefully, I will get there sooner rather than later.

 3 years ago  

I think it's better to concentrate maybe only on one of the platforms but to use it well. I suggest rather

Good luck on tracking your activity. I think is very important but quite difficult to implement :-)