Sample Budget Spreadsheet...!!!

in Project HOPE4 years ago (edited)

Dear Hivers

It’s never easy to come up with a budget spreadsheet monthly! If you don’t know your way around a spreadsheet program like Microsoft Excel, it can be very difficult. Still, there are people who just seem to know Excel instinctively and they could easily create a sample budget spreadsheet within five minutes!


I wouldn’t say that I’m an expert in sample budget spreadsheets. In fact, I’m just hacking my way around, trying to implement things I read online. There are also a variety of budget spreadsheet software that people could download. The problem is, a lot of them are not for free. They are free, only up to a certain number of days. As a result, people are looking for a free sample budget spreadsheet–easy to use and doesn’t cost anything at all!

For the past two-three years, I managed to monitor my income and my expenses regularly through the use of a simple budget spreadsheet. I didn’t have to rely on high technology or on paid softwares. Instead, I just relied on my gut instinct and just implemented what I read.

But, more than just the budget spreadsheet, you need to ask yourself why you need such a spreadsheet.

What will you do with a sample budget spreadsheet?

Track your expenses?

Project your income?

Cut back on your unnecessary spending?

Well, all of these reasons are good. But what will really matter is your commitment to becoming better at your personal financial management. Without commitment and discipline, you may never learn how to control your finances effectively.

You can use sample budget spreadsheet to track it, tweak it, improve it, and do what you want with it. The important thing is that this tool can help you improve your finances and track spending more effectively.

If you’re not sure what information to include in your budget spreadsheet, try reading my post on Budget spreadsheet monthly will be posting soon. That would be a good starting point on what to include on the sample budget spreadsheet.

Your turn to share!

How do you usually track your expenses? Is it through a spreadsheet? A small notebook? An iPhone app, Android app? Or something else?

What motivates you to track your expenses?

If you’re not tracking your expenses right now, what deters you? Why are you not tracking your expenses?

Don’t hesitate to share your thoughts in the comment form below!

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Thank you for the clear reasons why we should be using spreadsheets.


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