Saving Money in College Even When You Don’t Have Lots of Money

in Project HOPE3 years ago (edited)

Dear Hivers

Saving money in college seems impossible. You barely have enough, sometimes you even lack money. That’s very true for young people who are going to school, courtesy of their parents. They don’t have lots of money!


Well, if you really want to finish college, you’ll need to make some sacrifices. Of course, if you are a Bill Gates or a Steve Jobs, stop reading now, drop out of College and start your company right now.

But if you are one of us, ordinary mortals with ordinary powers, read on.

Here are some tips on saving money in college even when you don’t have lots of money.
Borrow books and textbooks from friends.

save money in college
First off, you need to have friends. A lot of friends! Don’t just hang out with your batchmates. Get to know some of the older folks in your college. They can give you advice regarding the teachers whose subjects you can enroll at.

You can also join some academic organizations in your college. Most of these orgs offer rental or free use of textbooks. If that fails, you can always go to the library and borrow some books!

Work part-time.
Ask your College for some potential ways to serve as a part-time worker. When I was in College, there was an office on Scholarship and Student Assistants. If you get accepted, you can serve in one of the units of the university, earn some money and get to know some awesome people in the university.

Just a caveat, DO NOT sacrifice your studies when you work part-time! That would cost you more money in the longer long-run!

Cook lunch. Don’t eat out a lot.
If you’re in the dormitory, or you live in an apartment near the campus. Eat lunch and dinner there. Don’t eat out a lot. And definitely no junk foods from fast foods! You’ll become healthier, and you can even save money in the process.

The other benefit of this? You learn how to cook! Not a lot of college students learn that!

Stay away from high-cost-lifestyle friends.
If you don’t have a lot of money, you don’t have a lot of choices in terms of clothes to wear, transportation, restaurants to eat at, or even the kinds of entertainment you can enjoy. Do not crave the attention of friends who live extravagant lifestyles. Sure, it would be cool to be seen with them. But is that what you really want? Is that why you went to College?

Some students treat college as one big party. And yeah, it is! But to what end?

College is more of a preparation stage that you go through only once. If you squander your time and your money, you will pay for those when you get older. Just take a look at the dropout rate in the country, it’s pretty high! Don’t be one of the casualties. Be wiser than most people! That would be a better way to live your life.

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Hello friend, I really liked your publication, the university is a very nice stage, there I spent many good things and also not very nice but I do not regret it. Saving money is essential at that time since we will always need it. Luckily I didn't have any shortages, but I did have partners who barely had enough for the ticket. Greetings!

good article, in the missing tips "create a coin investment portfolio" are already cheap and in the future you can earn a good %.

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