How happy people remain truly happy.

in Project HOPE3 years ago

Happy people understand that life is not perfect, rather than being moody and grumbling about how imperfect and unfair life is to them, they make good use of the little opportunities that they get and they are always grateful for everything that they have even if they want more, they do not postpone their happiness until they get them instead of that, they flow along with everything that will make them happy in every process of the way.

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Happy people understand how valuable their time is, instead of chasing money and sticking with a job they are not happy with just to make some extra bucks, they go for a job which may pay them less but define their purpose, gives the peace and makes them useful. They are not just after the money or work for money all around the clock and putting aside their health or family, instead they look for a good way to balance things up, as they have a good work and a good time to themselves, they know that even when they work for all the money that they want in the world it will never fulfil them or make them completely happy.

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Happy people give room for deep conversations, rather than keeping every problem and issues bothering them to themselves, happy people have very good friends whom they feel really comfortable to share their secrets with. Sharing a bothering issue with a friend will definitely lighten up the mood of anyone and happy people know this secret so they surround themselves with good people with whom they can share their burden.

Happy people understand the great importance behind giving and lifting other people up, they dedicate more time to making other people happy by helping them out in the way that they can. True happiness comes from being the reason behind another person’s smile, giving all that it takes to ensure that someone else does not go to bed on an empty stomach is what happy people love to know and in return it provides them with a feeling of satisfaction that keeps them completely excited all day.

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Happy people do not just run towards the goal and knock others down in the process of doing that, happy people are rather interested in taking the journey slowly and they enjoy the process of the journey while they work towards their goal, but unhappy people do not care ruining another person’s career as long as they just get what they want then they are satisfied.


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