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RE: Online Advertising as a Form of Marketing (The Introduction)

in Project HOPE4 years ago

As an online advertiser, using ads blocker is one hindrance to be faced but unlike email marketing, online advertising is a better way not to spam users.

@pedrobrito2004 what do you think can be done in the online advertising industry so users can stop using ads blockers?


Starting from the fact that I am a user without great knowledge of advertising and marketing, I am going to risk saying that they could work in two directions:

  1. On the one hand, to use non-invasive advertising, it can be like the one already used in marquees at the bottom of websites, such as advertising images inserted in the site, promosional links added to the published content (whenever this is relevant) and Other things in this style. I think that if it is not exceeded and is related to some topic that I as a user I am looking for then it could work.
  2. On the other hand, I don't know if it can be useful to work with platforms like Brave's, on paper it seems possible and beneficial, but I have no experience at that point. In any case, creating a benefit for the advertising visitor can be an incentive for not using blockers, which is already done in some places with indications or appeals to solidarity, in some places they ask me to turn off the shield to support the funding of the site with advertising and that they can continue to provide me with new content, in other places they are a bit more aggressive and I can't directly see it or use it without turning off the shields (I don't like the latter very much, but I have seen it and I understand why they do it )

I reiterate, I am not a specialist, but I think these two ideas can help.

I am sure they can help, thanks for paying detailed attention to my post.

You're Welcome!